A simple package for Units management in Pharo.
To install Units on your Pharo image you can just execute the following script:
Metacello new
githubUser: 'zweidenker' project: 'Units' commitish: 'master' path: 'src';
baseline: 'Units';
To add Units to your baseline just add this:
baseline: 'Units'
with: [ spec repository: 'github://zweidenker/Units:master/src' ]
Note that you can replace the #master by another branch or a tag.
Create units
15 units: #gram. "15 grams"
15 units: #newton. "15 newtons"
15g. "15 grams"
(15 units: #mile) / (1 units: #second). "15 miles per second"
15mi/1 s. "15 miles per second"
3m * 3m. "9 square metres"
Compare units
1cm > 2cm. "false"
1cm >= 1cm. "true"
15 cm = 150 mm. "true"
15cm > 1500mm. "false"
Operations on units
1g + 1g. "2 grams"
1kg + 1g. "(1001/1000) kilograms"
1g + 1kg. "1001 grams"
14foot + 15m. "63.212598425196845 feet"
10g - 1g. "9 grams"
9 * 1g. "9 grams"
9g * 3. "27 grams"
100g / 2. "50 grams"
15mi/1h convertTo: (Unit m / Unit s). "6.7056 metres per second"
3kg factor: Unit g. "3000 grams"
(3 units: #newton) factor: Unit g. "3000 gram metres per square second"