

<h1 align="center"> <a target="_blank" href="https://zuriscript.github.io/signalstory/" > <img align="center" alt="signalstory" src="signalstory_banner.png" style="width:100%;" /> </a> </h1> <p align="center"> <b>Signalstory - Angular state management with signals</b><br> Baked into classical angular services! </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://zuriscript.github.io/signalstory/docs/prolog" target="_blank" ><b>Documentation</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;📚&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://stackblitz.com/edit/stackblitz-starters-bjnmnr?file=src%2Fapp%2Fstate%2Fbooks.store.ts" target="_blank" ><b>Sample</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;🚀&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://zuriscript.github.io/signalstory/" target="_blank" ><b>Website</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;🔥&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="https://github.com/zuriscript/signalstory/releases" target="_blank" ><b>Release notes</b></a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;✨&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </p> <div align="center">

License: MIT npm version Commitizen friendly PRs coc-badge styled with prettier


signalstory is a state management library based on angular signals. It offers a range of architectural options, from simple repository-based state management (signal-in-a-service) to orchestrating decoupled commands, handling side effects through encapsulated objects, and facilitating inter-store communication using an event-driven approach. The ultimate goal is to provide a great user experience for all developers, whether junior or senior, while incorporating all the features you need to master your frontend state requirements.

Starting out? You can keep it nice and simple if you prefer to avoid exploring all the advanced features that a state management library can offer! Begin by checking out the store, and only dive into the rest if you're curious later on.

Here's a snapshot of some notable highlights:

✅  Signal-in-a-service approach
✅  Simple, non-intrusive and lightweight
✅  Optimized for Scalability
✅  Imperative-first with Declaritive capabilities
✅  Immutability on demand
✅  Rich plugin ecosystem
✅  Native IndexedDB support
✅  Transactional Undo/Redo
✅  Global State Snaphots and Rollbacks
✅  Devtools support
✅  Effect and Store status tracking
✅  Realtime store performance statistics
✅  Custom plugin support
✅  Built-in testing utilities
✅  SSR friendly
✅  Tree-shakeable

Let the store grow with your project

<picture> <source media="(prefers-color-scheme: dark)" srcset="docs/static/img/code_evolve_landscape_dark.png"> <img src="docs/static/img/code_evolve_landscape_light.png"> </picture>

Guiding Principles


Install the library using npm:

npm install signalstory

Sneak peek

import { produce } from 'immer';

// Immutable store class using immer.js for boosting immutable mutations
@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
class BookStore extends ImmutableStore<Book[]> {
  constructor() {
        initialState: { ... },
        name: 'Books Store',
        mutationProducerFn: produce,
        plugins: [
              dbName: 'SharedDatabase',
    // Handle store reset request events. Note, the storeResetRequestEvent would 
    // be created or imported, see the events documentation for more details
    this.registerHandler(storeResetRequestEvent, store => {
      store.set([], 'Reset');

  // Query
  public get getBooksInCollection() {
    return computed(() => this.state().filter(x => x.isInCollection));

  // Command
  public addToCollection(bookId: string) {
    this.mutate(state => {
      const book = state.find(x => x.id === bookId);
      if (book) {
        book.isInCollection = true;
    }, 'Add Book To Collection');
// Encapsulated multi store query object
export const BooksAndPublishersByAuthorInSwitzerlandQuery = createQuery(
  [BookStore, PublisherStore],
  (books, publishers, authorId: string) => {
    const booksFromAuthor = books.state().filter(x => x.author === authorId);
    const publishersInSwitzerland = publishers
      .filter(x => x.country === 'CH');

    return booksFromAuthor.map(book => ({
      publisher: publishersInSwitzerland.find(
        p => p.id === book.mainPublisherId
// And then run it
const query = myBookStore.runQuery(
// Encapsulated effect object
export const fetchBooksEffect = createEffect(
  'Fetch Books',
  (store: BookStore) => {
    const service = inject(BooksService);
    const notification = inject(NotificationService);

    return service.fetchBooks().pipe(
      catchError(err => {
        return of([]);
      tap(result => store.setBooks(result))
    setLoadingStatus: true, // indicates that the store is loading while the effect runs
    setInitializedStatus: true, // it should mark the store as initialized upon completion
// And then run it
const loadingSignal = isLoading(myBookStore); // true while effect is running
const initializedSignal = initialized(myBookStore); // true after initializing effect completion
const modifiedSignal = modified(myBookStore); // true after store update
// Track history spanning multiple stores
const tracker = trackHistory(50, store1, store2);

// Undo single commands
store1.set({ value: 10 }, 'ChangeCommand');

tracker.beginTransaction('Transaction Label');
store1.set({ value: 42 }, 'ChangeCommand');
store2.set({ value: 23 }, 'AnotherCommand');

// Undo both commands on store1 and store2 at once

// Redo the whole transaction

Sample Application

To set up and run the sample app locally, follow the steps below:

  1. Clone the repository: Clone the repository containing the signalstory library and the sample app.

  2. Install dependencies: Navigate to the root directory of the repository and run the following command to install the necessary dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Build the library: Run the following command to build the signalstory library:

    ng build signalstory
  4. Serve the sample app: Run the following command to serve the sample app locally:

    ng serve sample --open

<p align="center"> <img align="center" alt="signalstory" src="signalstory.png" style="width:60px;" /> </p> <p align="center"> made with ❤️ by zuriscript </p>