

Dynamic Monitoring of AWS

Keeping track of your instances in AWS is quite a task. This tool (zumoco, for zulily monitoring collector), run routinely from AWS Lambda, will detect your instances, add CloudWatch alerting for each, and create CloudWatch dashboards based on your preferences.


There are a few things you need to do to set this up for yourself (see details below):

Create AWS SNS topics/subscriptions

AWS uses SNS to handle notifications of AWS CloudWatch alerts. zumoco uses the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for a given SNS topic (connected to a notification endpoint) when creating a CloudWatch alert. Various SNS topic/subscriptions can be created as follows:

Create AWS S3 Bucket

This lambda function uses an S3 bucket to store the history of instances, in order to only add/delete alarms for a specific instance. Create an S3 bucket with prefix named to match the value used in the s3_access.json file.

Customize the JSON templates

The packaging step will deploy everything in the monitordefs directory to the Lambda zip file (so you may wish to remove templates/files you don't use).

Package and deploy the lambda function

  1. Edit vars.sh to set the rate for the lambda function to run inside your VPC.
  2. Run ./deploy_lambda_function.sh. This will: