


License built for

Zsh goodies for MacOS users


cdfcd to the current Finder directory
flushdnsFlush the DNS cache
hidefilesHide the hidden files in Finder
lmk'Let me know' speaks on command completion (ex: sleep 2 && lmk)
mandOpen a specified man page in Dash app
manpOpen a specified man page in Preview app
md5sumMD5 checksummer
ofdOpen the current directory in a Finder window
pfdReturn the path of the frontmost Finder window
pfsReturn the current Finder selection
pushdfpushd to the current Finder directory
rmdsstoreRemove .DS_Store files recursively in a directory
sha1sumSHA checksummer
showfilesShow hidden files in Finder


Install with a Zsh plugin manager

To install using a Zsh plugin manager, add the following to your .zshrc

Install manually, without a plugin manager

To install manually, first clone the repo:

git clone https://github.com/zshzoo/macos ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zplugins/macos

Then, in your .zshrc, add the following line:

source ${ZDOTDIR:-~}/.zplugins/macos/macos.zsh