



Zsh plugin for ls. It improves the output of ls, and adds the following aliases:

This plugin supports lsd, exa/eza and GNU ls backends.

You can change ls backend using ZSH_LS_BACKEND variable, set it to lsd, exa or ls. If no ZSH_LS_BACKEND is defined as environment variable then backend will be selected automatically: lsd, or eza/exa, or ls

You can disable git integration in eza/exa using this:

export ZSH_LS_DISABLE_GIT=true


For a better view, use a theme for dircolors, for example dircolors-material

How to install


Add the following to your .zshrc file somewhere after you source zpm.

zpm load zpm-zsh/ls


cd ~/.oh-my-zsh/custom/plugins
git clone https://github.com/zpm-zsh/ls.git
plugins=( [plugins...] ls [plugins...])


Add antigen bundle zpm-zsh/ls to your .zshrc where you're adding your other plugins. Antigen will clone the plugin for you and add it to your antigen setup the next time you start a new shell.


Add zinit load zpm-zsh/ls to your .zshrc, and Zinit will automatically handle cloning the plugin for you the next time you start zsh.


For most people the easiest way to use zshmarks with prezto is to manually clone the zshmarks repo to a directory of your choice (e.g. /usr/local or ~/bin) and symlink the zshmarks folder into your zpretzo/modules folder:

ln -s ~/bin/ls ~/.zprezto/modules/ls

Alternatively, you can add the zshmarks repository as a submodule to your prezto repo by manually editing the '.gitmodules' file:

[submodule "modules/ls"]
        path = modules/ls
        url = https://github.com/zpm-zsh/ls.git

Then make sure you activate the plugin in your .zpreztorc file:

zstyle ':prezto:load' pmodule ls


Add the following to your .zshrc file somewhere after you source zplug.

zplug "zpm-zsh/ls"