


easy POC template generation from the command line


from the command line, call quickpoc 0x.. [folder_name] to generate a ready-to-go sandbox for running POCs for the given address against mainnet, including:

you can run forge test to confirm it's working, then go into tests/POC.t.sol to interact with the contract (saved in storage as c).


on a unix machine with bash installed, make sure you have all dependencies:

clone this repo:

git clone https://github.com/zobront/quickpoc.git

set up two environment variables by calling the following from your terminal (or adding to your bash rc file):

export ETH_RPC_URL="..."
export ETHERSCAN_API_KEY="..."

save quickpoc to a location you won't move it:

mkdir ~/.quickpoc && mkdir ~/.quickpoc/bin
cp quickpoc ~/.quickpoc/bin/quickpoc # call from within the cloned repo

add the path to your bash rc file:

export PATH="$PATH:/Users/{your_name}/.quickpoc/bin"

make sure the file is executable:

chmod +x ~/.quickpoc/bin/quickpoc

you should then be able to call quickpoc 0x.. from any folder to generate the POC folder within it.

thank yous

big thanks to deliriusz for adding proxy checks and professionalism. check out his fork turbopoc for a more full featured version.