

Echo - ECHO Echo echo...

A simple & highly extendable, meta-notification system; Echo checks notification preferences & dispatch notifications to different adapters (ex. email, logger, analytics, sms, etc.).

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Echo is designed to be highly adaptable to your notification needs through different adapters and per adapter hooks. A notification is dispatched with Echo.notify/2 which then calls on each registered adapter, requesting that it delivers the notification. Each adapter is passed an event_type, of your designation, and data that it may use to deliver the notification.


Echo is easily configured. A possible sample configuration is given below. Custom Preferences & Adapters are easy to build, look at lib/echo/adapters/email & test/support/test_preferences.ex for examples. Hooks allow you to specify the module which implements @behaviour Echo.Hooks, which generates the adapter specific data needed to deliver a notification (see test/support/email_hook for an example); this might include: selecting the correct template, parsing data, or even nothing at all. Doing nothing allows unknown event types to be skipped by adapters.

config :echo, Echo,
  preferences: Echo.Preferences.AllowAll,
  adapters: [Echo.Adapters.Logger, Echo.Adapters.Email, YourApp.CustomAdapter],
  hooks: %{
    email: YourApp.EmailHook


Echo is somewhat like a pub-sub system; events are published, and adapters that are capable of handling them dispatch the notification accordingly. The intended flow is:

ex.) In the code below, an email is sent for :user_register, but not :log_analytics; Adapter.Email will harmlessly skip it as an :unknown_event.

Echo.notify(:log_analytics, data)
Echo.notify(:user_register, data)
defmodule App.EmailHook
@behaviour Echo.Hooks

  def message(event_type, data) do
    template = case event_type do
      :user_register -> "emails/register.html.eex"
      :user_forgot_password -> "emails/forgot_password.html.eex"
      _ -> nil