

Awesome Deep Graph Representation Learning

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A curated list for awesome deep graph representation learning resources. Inspired by awesome-deep-learning-papers, awesome-deep-vision, awesome-architecture-search, awesome-self-supervised-learning-for-graphs, and awesome-deep-gnn.


The field of graph representation learning has grown at an incredible (and sometimes unwieldy) pace over the past seven years, transforming from a small subset of researchers working on a relatively niche topic to one of the fastest growing sub-areas of deep learning.      - - William L. Hamilton

Graph representation learning (GRL) have recently become increasingly popular due to their ability to model relationships or interactions of complex systems. However GRL is still a nascent field in the Machine Learning community. Rather than providing overwhelming amount of papers, the goal of this repository is to provide a curated list of awesome GRL papers in recent top conference that we have read, as well as some intriguing blog posts and talks.


You are welcome to contribute this repo by contracting me or adding pull request.

Markdown formart:

Paper Name [[pdf]](link) [[code]](link)

Author 1, Author 2, Author 3. 

Conference Year

*Taxonomy* (No more than 5 words)

Table of Contents



ICML 2022

ICLR 2022

WWW 2022

NeurIPS 2021

KDD 2021

ICML 2021

WWW 2021

ICLR 2021

NeurIPS 2020

KDD 2020

AAAI 2021

ICML 2020

ICLR 2020

NeurIPS 2019

Some Must-Read Papers


Blog posts