


Proving and verifying WebAuthn with Halo2, specifically the ES256 algorithm variant with the P-256 curve, which is present on Apple's Face/Touch ID devices, Intel secure enclaves, Yubikey authenticators, and more.

File Structure

The repository is structured into three main directories:

Proving Server

The proving server API has a few endpoints for proving, verifying, and other relevant functions.

Testing & Benchmarks

# Test P-256 circuit correctness
cd halo2-circuits/
cargo test -- --nocapture test_secp256r1_ecdsa
# Benchmarks for P-256 proving and verification
cd halo2-circuits/
cargo test -- --nocapture bench_secp256r1_ecdsa
# Benchmarks for sending a userOp via ERC-4337
cd contracts/
forge test --gas-report

Benchmarks for a 16GB Macbook Pro with an M1 Pro chip are available at ecdsa_bench.csv.

P-256 Wallet

The primary application of this project is to implement a ERC-4337 "smart contract wallet" that verifies WebAuthn signatures. No wallet extensions or wallet apps are needed – users could send stablecoins, mint POAPs, or sign any other transactions purely within their browser. This is especially powerful for mobile devices with fingerprint / facial scans, where users can sign transactions within a mobile browser like Safari or Chrome.
