


socks-cli is a solution to make CLI commands use the specified socks5 proxy, by setting up special environment variables, such as ALL_PROXY. It works on linux and macOS with bash and python installed.

Here is an incomplete list of supported commands:


  1. Clone the code.

    git clone https://github.com/zjx20/socks-cli.git
  2. Copy socksproxyenv.sample to socksproxyenv, and fill your socks5 server into it.

    cd socks-cli
    cp socksproxyenv.sample socksproxyenv
    # edit socksproxyenv, complete the line:
    #   export SOCKS_PROXY=
  3. Invoke source socks-cli/activate before running your CLI commands:

    $ source socks-cli/activate
    Serving HTTP proxy on port 54967 ...
    Done! Variables or aliases have been changed to:
    # Following commands will use the socks proxy!
    $ git clone git@github.com:git/git.git
    Cloning into 'git'...
    remote: Counting objects: 213208, done.
    remote: Compressing objects: 100% (372/372), done.
    Receiving objects 2.0% (1/213208), 620.00 KiB | 121.00 KiB/s
    # Check your external IP!
    $ curl ipinfo.io
  4. Optionally, you can invoke source socks-cli/deactivate to deactivate socks-cli.

For more details, please see socksproxyenv.sample.

One-Shot Mode

The usage described above affects all commands in the terminal session. If you wish to temporarily enable the socks proxy for only a particular command, you can use the socksify script. (Note: You still need to configure the socksproxyenv file first.)

# make a symlink to PATH
ln -s /path/to/socks-cli/socksify /usr/local/bin/socksify

# or make an alias
alias socksify='/path/to/socks-cli/socksify'

# enable for one-shot
socksify curl ipinfo.io