

I like tiling window management, but all tiling window managers known to me force to use keyboard for dozen of things. So this is my attempt to write some mouse-driven tiling wm in Go.

I have never written any wm before, so this code isn't probably a good example how to write wm at all but maybe some example how to write wm in Go.

This program isn't mature window manager yet, but I started using it for everyday work (it replaced xmodad).

mdtwm uses only right mouse button as follows:

Default layout (see config.go)

Default keybindings (see config.go)

mdtwm doesn't contain its own status bar yet, but there is support for dzen2. If cfg.StatusLogger is set to Dzen2Logger (as in default config.go) you can use mdtwm together with dzen2 as follows:

mdtwm 2>~/mdtwm.log |dzen2 -e '' -ta l -fg '#ddddcc' -bg '#555588'

Known issues:

Build instruction:

go get github.com/ziutek/mdtwm


Screenshot image