

Freezing Internet Tool

FIT is a Python3 application for forensic acquisition of contents like web pages, emails, social media, etc. directly from the internet. This is a final exam for a Master named Cybersecurity, Digital Forensics e Data Protection and is inspired by FAW. For this Master Thesis, I have developed a "light" release that allows acquiring a public WEB page (no private) in forensics mode by storing the following elements: source code, screen recorder, network capture etc. The ambition, however, is to create - in subsequent release phases- other modules capable of acquiring additional types of internet contents as, for example, web pages accessible with credentials, emails, Facebook or Instagram profiles/pages, etc. For this reason, the project has been developed with a modular architecture, so that many modules (case, screen recorder, packet capture) can be reused.

For the implementation, I used:


Make sure you have installed all of the following prerequisites on your development machine:

Downloading FIT

There are two ways you can get the FIT:

Cloning the github repository

The recommended way to get FIT is to use git to directly clone the FIT repository:

git clone git@github.com:zitelog/fit.git fit

This will clone the latest version of the FIT repository to a fit folder.

Downloading the repository zip file

Another way to use the FIT is to download a zip copy from the master branch on GitHub.


Once you've downloaded FIT and installed all the prerequisites:

cd fit
python -m venv env
source ./env/Scripts/activate
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp /mrsing_path/mrsign.exe ./mrsign

Running FIT

Run your application:

python app.py

Please note

For save all resource (html, css, js, image, etc.) of a web page I used pywebcopy, but I don't know why, the "original" version hangs the console and does not exit. If I have correctly understood, this issue is already known. David W Grossman has found a workaround, he removed all multithreading and committed this version here. For this reason, I used this "unofficial" version in the local lib path. Thanks to David W Grossman @davidwgrossman. For the web.py module I started from this project. Thanks to Bilawal Asghar @tech35