


This package is for growing random graphs and trees by using continuous quantum walks:

  1. One or more quantum walkers evolve on a graph, and at random times their wave function collapses on its nodes.
  2. A new node is attached to all the nodes where a walker collapsed.

By alternatning evolution and collapse and by controlling the average exploration time we can grow graphs and trees with various characteristics.


Install via pip:

pip install quantumgraphs

Import like so:

from quantumgraphs import QGraph, QGraphList

The QGraph class

initialization and basic usage

The QGraph class represents a single graph, which is instantiated as a trivial graph with a single node. The required parameters are the number of quantum walkers and the average exploration time between collapses:

G = QGraph(walkers = 1, exploration=0.5)

We can grow the graph by adding nodes:

G.add_nodes(nodes = 100)

Now the graph G has 101 nodes (G.nodes returns 101).


We can visualize a graph via



If we also wish to export the diagram, we can pass a filename argument:

G.draw(node_size=30, width=0.5, filename = 'example_graph.jpg')

The QGraphList class

The QGraphList class is for managing a collection of QGraph objects, which are internally stored in a list. The QGraphList class contains a number of utilities and it's meant to work in a flexible way. The repr of a QGraphList object returns a handy Pandas DataFrame with a summary of its contents, which is particularly nice when working in a jupyter notebook environment.

Initialization and basic usage

GL = QGraphList()

We populate it by growing random graphs according to the desired specs. This is automatically done in parallel via p-tqdm, with a visual bar that indicates the status of the computation:

specs = [{'walkers':w, 'nodes':n, 'exploration':t} for t in [0.1,0.5,1.0] for w in [1,2,3] for n in [100,200]]
GL.grow_random_graphs(specs*3) # 3 copies of each spec for statistical experiments

We can populate the database at any time, any number of times. Each new graph is treated as a distinct object. We can observe a few properties of the graphs by invoking GL.dataframe.


The properties of the graphs can be visualized as follows (using Seaborn internally):

ax = GL.lineplot(x='exploration', y='diameter', hue='walkers', style='nodes')


Notice that the lineplot method returns a matplotlib Axes instance to allow for further customization and export:

fig = ax.get_figure()
fig.savefig("diameter.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')


Filtering elements

We can select and/or exclude parts of the collection:

GL.select('walkers', [1,2])

As the select and exclude methods return new instances of QGraphList, we can chain them with any other class method:

GL.exclude('walkers', [1]).select('nodes', [200]).lineplot(x='exploration', y='clustering', hue='walkers')

QGraphList is an iterable sequence:

QGraphList objects are iterable:

[g.nodes for g in GL]

and the elements can be accessed by index (e.g. graph = GL[3]).

Merging QGraphList instances

QGraphList objects can be merged simply by summing them:

G1 = QGraphList()
G1.grow_random_graphs([{'walkers':1, 'nodes':50, 'exploration':0.1}]*5)
G2 = QGraphList()
G2.grow_random_graphs([{'walkers':2, 'nodes':50, 'exploration':0.1}]*5)
GL = G1 + G2 

Saving and loading

As computations with large graphs might become expensive, we can save and load a QGraphList object:


GL = QGraphList()

Once we save a QGraphList object, saving becomes automatic every time we add new QGraph objects to it.