

Unified Multi-level Optimization Paradigm

This repo hosts the code for implementing UMOP (Unified Multi-level Optimization Paradigm).


In object detection, multi-level prediction (e.g., FPN, YOLO) and resampling skills (e.g., focal loss, ATSS) have drastically improved one-stage detector performance. However, how to improve the performance by optimizing the feature pyramid level-by-level remains unexplored. We find that, during training, the ratio of positive over negative samples varies across pyramid levels (Level Imbalance), which is not addressed by current one-stage detectors.

To mediate the influence of level imbalance, we propose a Unified Multi-level Optimization Paradigm (UMOP) consisting of two components: 1) an independent classification loss supervising each pyramid level with individual resampling considerations; 2) a progressive hard-case mining loss defining all losses across the pyramid levels without extra level-wise settings. With UMOP as a plug-and-play scheme, modern one-stage detectors can attain a ~1.5 AP improvement with fewer training iterations and no additional computation overhead. Our best model achieves 55.1 AP on COCO test-dev.



Main Results

For your convenience, we provide the following trained models. These models are trained with a mini-batch size of 16 images on 8 Nvidia V100 GPUs (2 images per GPU), except that the largest backbone (Swin-L) is trained on 8 Nvidia P40 GPUs with apex.

BackboneDCNMS <br> trainMS <br> testLr <br> schdbox AP <br> (val)box AP <br> (test-dev)Download
R-50NNN1.5x40.440.5model | log | JSON
R-101NNN1.5x42.142.3model | log | JSON
R-101YNN1.5x45.245.4model | log | JSON
R-101YYN1.5x47.647.7model | log | JSON
X-101-64x4dYYN1.5x48.849.1model | log | JSON
R2-101YYN2x50.050.3model | log | JSON
Swin-SNYN2x49.950.3model | log | JSON
Swin-SNYY2x51.952.3model | - | JSON
Swin-BNYN2x51.651.9model | log | JSON
Swin-BNYY2x53.453.9model | - | JSON
Swin-LNYN2x52.853.1model | log | JSON
Swin-LNYY2x54.755.1model | - | JSON