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Active route helpers

This package provide helpers for figuring out if some route or path is or isn't the currently active route.

Package rename

Because of support for kadira:flow-router I've decided to rename zimme:iron-router-active to zimme:active-route with version 2.0.0.


meteor add zimme:active-route

Supported routers

If multiple routers are installed, the package will match against iron:router routes first, then kadira:flow-router and lastly meteorhacks:flow-router.

Template helpers


Basic usage examples.


Template helper to check if the supplied route name matches the currently active route's name.

Returns either a configurable String, which defaults to 'active', or false.

<li class="{{isActiveRoute 'home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isActiveRoute name='home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isActiveRoute regex='home|dashboard'}}">...</li>
{{#if isActiveRoute 'home'}}
  <span>Show only if 'home' is the current route's name</span>
{{#if isActiveRoute regex='^products'}}
  <span>Show only if the current route's name begins with 'products'</span>

<li class="{{isActiveRoute class='is-selected' name='home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isActiveRoute 'home' class='is-selected'}}">...</li>


Template helper to check if the supplied path matches the currently active route's path.

Returns either a configurable String, which defaults to 'active', or false.

<li class="{{isActivePath '/home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isActivePath path='/home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isActivePath regex='home|dashboard'}}">...</li>
{{#if isActivePath '/home'}}
  <span>Show only if '/home' is the current route's path</span>
{{#if isActivePath regex='^\\/products'}}
  <span>Show only if current route's path begins with '/products'</span>

<li class="{{isActivePath class='is-selected' path='/home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isActivePath '/home' class='is-selected'}}">...</li>


Template helper to check if the supplied route name doesn't match the currently active route's name.

Returns either a configurable String, which defaults to 'disabled', or false.

<li class="{{isNotActiveRoute 'home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isNotActiveRoute name='home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isNotActiveRoute regex='home|dashboard'}}">...</li>
{{#if isNotActiveRoute 'home'}}
  <span>Show only if 'home' isn't the current route's name</span>
{{#if isNotActiveRoute regex='^products'}}
    Show only if the current route's name doesn't begin with 'products'

<li class="{{isNotActiveRoute class='is-disabled' name='home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isNotActiveRoute 'home' class='is-disabled'}}">...</li>


Template helper to check if the supplied path doesn't match the currently active route's path.

Returns either a configurable String, which defaults to 'disabled', or false.

<li class="{{isNotActivePath '/home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isNotActivePath path='/home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isNotActivePath regex='home|dashboard'}}">...</li>
{{#if isNotActivePath '/home'}}
  <span>Show only if '/home' isn't the current route's path</span>
{{#if isNotActivePath regex='^\\/products'}}
  <span>Show only if current route's path doesn't begin with '/products'</span>

<li class="{{isNotActivePath class='is-disabled' path='/home'}}">...</li>
<li class="{{isNotActivePath '/home' class='is-disabled'}}">...</li>


The following can be used by the template helpers as arguments.

At least one of Data context, route or path need to be supplied.

Javascript helpers


Basic usage examples.


Helper to check if the supplied route name matches the currently active route's name.

Returns either true or false.

// Returns true if current route's name is 'home'.

ActiveRoute.name(new RegExp('home|dashboard'));
// Returns true if current route's name contains 'home' or 'dashboard'.

// Returns true if current route's name starts with 'products'.


Helper to check if the supplied path matches the currently active route's path.

Returns either true or false.

// Returns true if current route's path is '/home'.

ActiveRoute.path(new RegExp('users'));
// Returns true if current route's path contains 'users'.

// Returns true if current route's path ends with '/edit', matching is
// case-insensitive


The javascript helpers accepts String or RegExp as an argument.

Global options

// Configure helpers globally
// The settings below are the package default settings
  activeClass: 'active',
  caseSensitive: true,
  disabledClass: 'disabled',
  regex: 'false'
