

<div align="right">Language: :us: <a title="Chinese" href="doc/cn/README.md">:cn:</a> <a title="Russian" href="doc/ru/README.md">:ru:</a></div>

<div align="center"><a title="Go to homepage" href="#"><img align="center" width="56" height="56" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zhuzhuyule/HexoEditor/master/icons/HexoEditor.svg?sanitize=true"></a> HexoEditor</div>

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This is markdown editor for Hexo.

Built with Electron.

Inherit Moeditor, I want to fix it appropriate to Hexo Blog!

if you have good ideas, please comment Here

if you have time, and interest, and energy, welcome join us !



HexoEditor Main

HexoEditor side

HexoEditor menu

HexoEditor About

Gif Screenshots

HexoEditor settings

HexoEditor tag

HexoEditor Mode

HexoEditor Upload Image

HexoEditor New Post

HexoEditor Hexo

Plan To Do


TabtabAddadd indentation
Shift - TabtabSubtractreduce indentation
Ctrl - BtoggleBlodtoggle blod
Ctrl - ItoggleItalictoggle italic
Ctrl - DtoggleDeletedelete current line
Ctrl - <code>`</code>toggleCommenttoggle comment
Ctrl - LtoggleUnOrderedListtoggle unordered list
Ctrl - Alt - LtoggleOrderedListtoggle ordered list
Ctrl - ]toggleHeaderdowngrade title
Ctrl - [toggleUnHeaderupgrade title
Ctrl - =toggleBlockquoteadd blockquote
Ctrl - -toggleUnBlockquotereduce blockquote
Ctrl - UdrawLinkadd hyperlink
Ctrl - Alt - UdrawImageLinkadd image
Ctrl - TdrawTable(row col)add table(row column)
Ctrl - VpasteOriginContentpaste origin content
Shift - Ctrl - VpasteContentauto paste content
Alt - FformatTablesformat tables
Ctrl - Nnew md document
Ctrl - Hnew hexo document
Ctrl - Oopen md document
Ctrl - Ssave md document
Shift - Ctrl - Ssave as
Alt - Ctrl - Sopen settings
Ctrl - Wtoggle write mode
Ctrl - Ptoggle preview mode
Ctrl - Rtoggle read mode


//if use Windows:
npm config set prefix "C:/Program Files/nodejs/npm_global"
npm config set cache "C:/Program Files/nodejs/npm_cache" 

//if use Linux\Mac:
npm config set prefix "~/nodejs/npm_global"
npm config set cache "~/nodejs/npm_cache" 

//If In China, China, China, you can set mirror to speed up !
npm config set registry "https://registry.npm.taobao.org/"
npm config set electron_mirror "https://npm.taobao.org/mirrors/electron/"

git clone https://github.com/zhuzhuyule/HexoEditor.git
cd HexoEditor
npm install
npm start

This is Detail Method


There's three ways to open the Chromium Developer Tools.

  1. Add --debug to the command line args:
npm start -- --debug
  1. Ctrl + Shift + I in Linux / Windows or Command + Option + I in OS X / macOS to toggle devtools for a window.
  2. Set debug to true in the config. The config file is stored in ~/.config/configstore/HexoEditor.json (for every system).


HexoEditor will auto detect your system language and use the localization.

You can set language manually in the Settings window.

Now the app supports English, Chinese, French, German, Spanish and incomplete Portuguese.

Help us if you can translate this app. Please follow the guide in app/moe-l10n.js.


HexoEditor itself is licensed under the GPL v3 license.

Some node modules are licensed under other free software license.

The Raleway font is licensed under the OFL open font license.


  1. modify codemirror file :

./node_modules/codemirror/lib/codemirror.js (line: 3104)

./node_modules/codemirror/src/display/selection.js (line: 56)

//var rightSide = Math.max(display.sizerWidth, displayWidth(cm) - display.sizer.offsetLeft) - padding.right;
var rightSide = display.lineDiv.offsetWidth - padding.right;


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