

Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification


Code for Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification (CVPR 2018).


Requirements: Python=3.6 and Pytorch>=0.3.0

  1. Install Pytorch

  2. Download dataset

  3. Download CamStyle Images

CamStyle Generation

You can generate CamStyle imgaes with CycleGAN-for-CamStyle

Training and test re-ID model

  1. IDE
# For Market-1501
python main.py -d market --logs-dir logs/market-ide
# For Duke
python main.py -d duke --logs-dir logs/duke-ide
  1. IDE + CamStyle
# For Market-1501
python main.py -d market --logs-dir logs/market-ide-camstyle --camstyle 46
# For Duke
python main.py -d duke --logs-dir logs/duke-ide--camstyle --camstyle 46
  1. IDE + CamStyle + Random Erasing[4]
# For Market-1501
python main.py -d market --logs-dir logs/market-ide-camstyle-re --camstyle 46 --re 0.5
# For Duke
python main.py -d duke --logs-dir logs/duke-ide--camstyle-re --camstyle 46 --re 0.5
  1. IDE + CamStyle + Random Erasing[4] + re-ranking[3]
# For Market-1501
python main.py -d market --logs-dir logs/market-ide-camstyle-re --camstyle 46 --re 0.5 --rerank
# For Duke
python main.py -d duke --logs-dir logs/duke-ide--camstyle-re --camstyle 46 --re 0.5 --rerank



<table> <tr> <td></td> <td colspan="2">Market-1501</td> <td colspan="2">Duke</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Methods</td> <td>Rank-1</td> <td>mAP</td> <td>Rank-1</td> <td>mAP</td> </tr> <tr> <td>IDE</td> <td>85.6</td> <td>65.8</td> <td>72.3</td> <td>51.8</td> </tr> <tr> <td>IDE+CamStyle</td> <td>88.1</td> <td>68.7</td> <td>75.2</td> <td>53.4</td> </tr> <tr> <td>IDE+CamStyle+Random Erasing</td> <td>89.4</td> <td>71.5</td> <td>78.3</td> <td>57.6</td> </tr> </table>



If you find this code useful in your research, please consider citing:

title={Camera Style Adaptation for Person Re-identification},
author={Zhong, Zhun and Zheng, Liang and Zheng, Zhedong and Li, Shaozi and Yang, Yi},

Contact me

If you have any questions about this code, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Zhun Zhong