

LinkGAN: Linking GAN Latents to Pixels for Controllable Image Synthesis

<div align=center> <img src="./docs/assets/framework.jpg" width=600px> </div>

Figure: Concept diagram of LinkGAN, where some axes of the latent space are \textit{explicitly} linked to the image pixels of a spatial area. In this way, we can alter the image content within the linked region simply by resampling the latent code on these axes.

LinkGAN: Linking GAN Latents to Pixels for Controllable Image Synthesis <br> Jiapeng Zhu*, Ceyuan Yang*, Yujun Shen*, Zifan Shi, Bo Dai, Deli Zhao, Qifeng Chen <br> International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2023 <br>


Figure: Precise local control achieved by LinkGAN on 2D image synthesis, like StyleGAN2 (left three columns), and 3D-aware image synthesis, like EG3D (right two columns). It is noteworthy that, under the 3D-aware case, we can control both the appearance and the underlying geometry.

[Paper] [Project Page]

In the repository, we propose LinkGAN to explicitly link some latent axes to a region of an image or a semantic via an easy-to-implement yet powerful regularizer. Building such a connection facilitates a more convenient local control of GAN generation, where users can alter the image content within a spatial area simply by partially resampling the latent codes. Extensive experiments on 2D image synthesis (e.g., StyleGAN2) and 3D-aware image synthesis (e.g., EG3D) demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method.



Code Coming Soon


  title     = {LinkGAN: Linking {GAN} Latents to Pixels for Controllable Image Synthesis},
  author    = {Zhu, Jiapeng and Yang, Ceyuan and Shen, Yujun and Shi, Zifan and Dai, Bo and Zhao, Deli and Chen, Qifeng},
  booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},
  year      = {2023}