

High-fidelity 3D Face Generation from Natural Language Descriptions (CVPR 2023)

This is the official repository of ''High-fidelity 3D Face Generation from Natural Language Descriptions'', CVPR 2023. [Project Page] [arXiv]

Our pipeline


Visual Results



[To do list]

Getting started


Configure the environment

  1. First, you need to build the virtual environment.
conda create -n describe3d python=3.8
  1. Then, you need to install CLIP. Please refer to https://github.com/openai/CLIP
  2. Install other dependencies.
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download the pre-trained texture generation model and put it into the checkpoints/texture_synthesis/


  1. Then you can run the main.py to generate 3D Faces.
python main.py --name="your model name" --descriptions="the description of the face you want to generate." --prompt="the abstract descriptions"

Here is an example.

python main.py --name="Stark" --descriptions="This middle-aged man is a westerner. He has big and black eyes with the double eyelid. He has a medium-sized nose with a high nose bridge. His face is square and medium. He has a dense and black beard." --prompt="Tony Stark." --lambda_latent=0.0003 --lambda_param=3

The abstract synthesis results are affected by the regularization coefficient. Decrease lambda_param / lambda_latent when you want more changes of shape / texture. On the contrary, you can increase them.