

VDB-EDT: An Efficient Euclidean Distance Transform Algorithm Based on VDB Data Structure

The video demonstration for ICRA-2021 paper can be found here https://youtu.be/Bojh6ylYUOo

VDB-EDT is an efficient and robust library for large-scale occupancy grid mapping and Euclidean distance transform. Compared with the state-of-the-art method, VDB-EDT can provide high-quality and more complete mapping results, while consuming less memory and processing time.


  1. This package is developed based on ROS Kinetic and the Eigen3 library is also needed.

  2. Dependencies for OpenVDB and the Catkin wrapper

sudo apt-get install libglfw3-dev libblosc-dev libopenexr-dev

sudo apt-get install liblog4cplus-dev

  1. Download this package and go to the VDB-EDT folder

    cd src


    cd ..

    catkin build (currently not support catkin_make command )

Download Dataset

  1. Please click here to download the cow-and-lady dataset.

    <p align="center"> <img src="./src/asset/cow_vdb_cloud.png" width=900 height=500> </p>
  2. Please click here to download the large-scale SubT dataset (background grid is with a size of 50m*50m).

    <p align="center"> <img src="./src/asset/subt.png" width=900 height=500> </p>


  1. Make sure the current path is at VDB-EDT folder, i.e., in the catkin workspace

    soource devel/setup.bash

    roslaunch vdb_edt VDB-EDT.launch

  2. Play the cow-and-lady dataset. There exist a severe synchronization problem in this dataset. To sufficiently process this dataset, a play rate of 0.1 is recommended

    rosbag play data.bag -r 0.1

  3. After finishing testing cow-and-lady dataset, play the SubT dataset

    rosbag play SubT.bag


<p align="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/kZpsKEkUgcY" target="cow and lady"><img src="./src/asset/cow_result.png" alt="cow and lady" width="960" height="540" border="10" /></a> Results on cow-and-lady dataset </p> <p align="center"> <a href="https://www.youtube.com/embed/D6z6KO2A360" target="subt"><img src="./src/asset/subt_result.png" alt="subt" width="960" height="540" border="10" /></a> Results on SubT dataset </p>


The VDB Ros Wrapper inside this package is developed by Rohit Garg from Air Lab CMU based on the work of ETHZ ASL. We give our special acknowledgement to him.