

libndk_translation prebuilts


How To Build

### collect from Android Emulator ###

# collect libndk_translation
{ find /system -name arm* -type d; find /system -name *ndk_translation*; find /system/etc -name *arm*; } \
    | tar -cf nb.tar -T -

# convert GNU to POSIX
bsdtar -cvf libndk_translation.tar --format=pax @nb.tar

# append libnb.so symlink
find system -type l | tar -rf libndk_translation.tar -T -

####### collect from system.img #####

# check system.img partition
fdisk system.img -l

# dump super.img
dd if system.img of super.img count=<END> skip=<START> bs=512

# unpack logic system partition
lpunpack -p system super.img super

# mount logic system partition
mount -o ro,loop system.img system

# collect libndk_translation
cd system
{ find system -name arm* -type d; find system -name *ndk_translation*; find system/etc -name *arm*; } \
    | tar -cf nb.tar -T -

# append libnb.so symlink
find system -type l | tar -rf libndk_translation.tar -T -