


GitHub Workflow Status releases downloads

Use Github Action to build mpv for Windows with latest commit.

Based on https://github.com/shinchiro/mpv-winbuild-cmake.


Checks the mpv repository every hour for updates. If there is an update and it is relevant to the windows build, it will automatically run the compilation and release it on success.

This repo only provides 64-bit version. If you need a 32-bit version, you can fork this repo and run MPV workflow by yourself.

[!NOTE] mpv-dev-xxxx.7z is libmpv, including the libmpv-2.dll file.

Some media players based on libmpv use libmpv-2.dll or mpv-2.dll.You can upgrade their libmpv by overwriting this dll.

mpv-dev-lgpl-xxxx.7z is libmpv under LGPLv2.1+ license, which disables LGPLv2.1+ incompatible packages and statically links to ffmpeg under LGPLv3.

I'm not a lawyer and can't guarantee that I've disabled all LGPL-incompatible packages, use at your own risk.

Release Retention Policy

Information about packages

same as shinchiro