


This is an official PyTorch implementation of the SPACE model presented in the following paper:

SPACE: Unsupervised Object-Oriented Scene Representation via Spatial Attention and Decomposition
{Zhixuan Lin, Yi-Fu Wu, Skand Vishwanath Peri}, Weihao Sun, Gautam Singh, Fei Deng, Jindong Jiang, Sungjin Ahn
ICLR 2020
Project page

<img src="figures/riverraid.gif" height="150px"> </img>


Project directories:

This project uses YACS for managing experiment configurations. Configurations are specified with YAML files. These files are in src/configs. We provide five YAML files that correspond to the figures in the paper:


This project uses Python 3.7 and PyTorch 1.3.0.

Create a conda environment with Python 3.7 and activate it. Other versions of Python should also be fine:

conda create -n space python=3.7
conda activate space

Install PyTorch 1.3.0:

pip install torch==1.3.0+cu100 torchvision==0.4.1+cu100 -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html

Note that this requires CUDA 10.0. If you need CUDA 9.2 then change cu100 to cu92. Depending on your cuda version, you may want to install previous versions of PyTorch. See here.

Other requirements are in requirements.txt and can be installed with

pip install -r requirements.txt

TensorBoard is used for training visualization and included in requirements.txt. In some cases, TensorBoard without a full TensorFlow installation can show some weird behaviors (not loading logs, etc.). If that happens, consider installing full TensorFlow.


The following datasets with Google Drive download links are provided:

Depending on your need, you can download one or more of these datasets. Two download options are available:

The data directory should look like this (if you have downloaded all three datasets):

│   ├── test
│   ├── train
│   └── val
│   ├── test
│   ├── train
│   └── val
    ├── Asterix-v0
    ├── Atlantis-v0
    ├── Carnival-v0
    ├── DoubleDunk-v0
    ├── Kangaroo-v0
    ├── MontezumaRevenge-v0
    ├── MsPacman-v0
    ├── Pooyan-v0
    ├── Qbert-v0
    ├── Riverraid-v0
    └── SpaceInvaders-v0

Quick demo with pretrained models

To download pretrained models, two options are available:

The pretrained directory should look like this:

├── 3d_room_large.pth
├── 3d_room_small.pth
├── atari_spaceinvaders.pth
├── atari_riverraid.pth
└── atari_joint.pth

Then run one of the following to create some visualizations, with either CPU or GPU:

# Use CPU
sh scripts/demo_cpu.sh
# Use GPU
sh scripts/demo_gpu.sh

Images showing foreground objects and background segmentation will be dumped to output/demo. If you have downloaded all three datasets, then five images 3d_room_large.png, 3d_room_small.png, atari_spaceinvaders.png, atari_riverraid.png and atari_joint.png will be generated in output/demo. Otherwise only some of them will be generated.

If you are using a remote server, you can then run

python -m http.server -d output/demo 8080

and then visit http://[your server's address]:8080 in your local browser to view these images.

Training and Evaluation

First, cd src. Make sure you are in the src directory for all commands in this section. All paths referred to are also relative to src.

The general command to run the program is (assuming you are in the src directory)


Detailed instructions will be given below.

Training. Run one or more of the following to train the model on the datasets you want:

These start training with GPU 0 (cuda:0). There some useful options that you can specify. For example, if you want to use GPU 5, 6, 7, and 8 and resume from checkpoint ../output/checkpoints/3d_room_large/model_000008001.pth, you can run the following:

python main.py --task train --config configs/3d_room_large.yaml \
	resume True resume_ckpt '../output/checkpoints/3d_room_large/model_000008001.pth' \
	parallel True device 'cuda:5' device_ids '[5, 6, 7, 8]'

Other available options are specified in config.py.

Training visualization. Run the following

# Run this from the 'src' directory
tensorboard --bind_all --logdir '../output/logs' --port 8848

And visit http://[your server's address]:8848 in your local browser.

Evaluation. We only have ground truth for the two 3D Room datasets. After training is finished with the specified maximum steps (or you can stop them manually), run the following to evaluate APs and counting accuracy:

# Run one or more of these
python main.py --task eval --config configs/3d_room_large.yaml resume True device 'cuda:0'
python main.py --task eval --config configs/3d_room_small.yaml resume True device 'cuda:0'

The model with the best performance (average AP) will be loaded and evaluated. The results will be printed to stdout. They will also be saved to ../output/eval as JSON files.

Alternatively, you can directly run evaluation using the pretrained models that we provided:

# Run one or more of these
python main.py --task eval --config configs/3d_room_large.yaml resume True device 'cuda:0' resume_ckpt '../pretrained/3d_room_large.pth'
python main.py --task eval --config configs/3d_room_small.yaml resume True device 'cuda:0' resume_ckpt '../pretrained/3d_room_small.pth'


Use SPACE for other tasks

If you want to apply SPACE to your own task (e.g., for RL), please be careful. Applying SPACE to RL is also our original intent, but we found that the model can sometimes be unstable and sensitive to hyperparameters and training tricks. There are several reasons:

  1. The definition of objects and background is ambiguous in many cases. Atari is one case where objects are often well-defined. But in many other cases, it is not. For more complicated datasets, making SPACE separate foreground and background properly can be something non-trivial.
  2. Learning is difficult when object sizes vary a lot. In SPACE, we need to set a proper prior for object sizes manually and that turn out to be crucial hyperparameter. For example, for the 10 Atari games we tested, objects are small and roughly of the same size. When object sizes vary a lot SPACE may fail.

That said, we are pleased to offer discussions and pointers if you need help (especially when fine-tuning it on your own dataset). We also hope this will facilitate future works that overcome these limitations.


If you find this code useful for your research, please cite our paper with the following BibTeX entry

	title={SPACE: Unsupervised Object-Oriented Scene Representation via Spatial Attention and Decomposition},
	author={Zhixuan Lin and Yi-Fu Wu and Skand Vishwanath Peri and Weihao Sun and Gautam Singh and Fei Deng and Jindong Jiang and Sungjin Ahn},
	booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


The evaluation code is adapted from the one used in SPAIR. The code structure is inspired (and significantly simplified) by Mask-RCNN (deprecated, with the latest being Detectron2) from Facebook. Google Drive download commands are created with https://gdrive-wget.glitch.me/