

<!--<h3><b>Data PrepareR</b></h3>-->

<b>Ratio Image Based Rendering for Deep Single-Image Portrait Relighting</b> [Project Page] <br>

This is part of the Deep Portrait Relighting project. If you find this project useful, please cite the paper:

  title={Deep Single Portrait Image Relighting},
  author = {Hao Zhou and Sunil Hadap and Kalyan Sunkavalli and David W. Jacobs},
  booktitle={International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},


This code is not optimized and may not be well organized.


3DDFA: https://github.com/cleardusk/3DDFA (download the code and put it in useful_code, follow the instruction to download model and setup the code)

Environment setup:

I use miniconda to setup virtual environment

Steps for rendering

  1. fitting 3DDFA: run bash run_fit.sh, will generate several files in result: *_3DDFA.png: draw 2D landmark on face *_depth.png: depth image *_detected.txt: detected 2D landmark on faces *_project.txt: projected 3D landmark *.obj: fitted mesh

  2. run bash run_render.sh generate albedo, normal, uv map and semantic segmentation: *_new.obj: obj file for rendering in render: *.png show generate images *.npy show original file of albedo, normal, uv map and semantic segmentation. NOTE: if you can install OpenEXR, you can save npy as .exr file

  3. run bash run_node.sh Apply arap to further align faces in render: generate arap.obj an object of arap algorithm *.node and *.ele temperal files for applying arap

  4. run bash run_warp.sh create warped albedo, normal, semantic segmentation in result/warp:

  5. run bash run_fillHoles.sh remove ear and neck region and fill in holes in generated normal map: create full_normal_faceRegion_faceBoundary_extend.npy and full_normal_faceRegion_faceBoundary_extend.png in result/warp

  6. run bash run_relight.sh relighting faces download our processed bip2017 lighting through (https://drive.google.com/open?id=1l0SiR10jBqACiOeAvsXSXAufUtZ-VhxC), change line 155 in script_relighting.py to poit to the lighting folder Apply face semantic segmentation to get skin region of the face: https://github.com/Liusifei/Face_Parsing_2016 save the results in folder face_parsing/ (examples are shown in face_parsing, you can also skip this by adapting the code of script_relighting.py)