


This repository contains the implementation for Auditing Membership Leakages of Multi-Exit Networks (ACM CCS 2022)

Computer Vision Datasets

CIFAR-10/100 can be download automatically

TinyImageNet can be download from https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/tiny-imagenet/data

Non-computer Vision Datasets

Purchases/Locations/Texas can be download from https://github.com/privacytrustlab/datasets

Run Code

Please check argparse.ArgumentParser in main.py to run the code.


author = {Zheng Li and Yiyong Liu and Xinlei He and Ning Yu and Michael Backes and Yang Zhang},
title = {{Auditing Membership Leakages of Multi-Exit Networks}},
booktitle = {{ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security (CCS)}},
pages = {1917-1931},
publisher = {ACM},
year = {2022}