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YaraForge is an IDA Pro plugin for generating Yara rules from binary files. It utilizes the results of CAPA analysis to automatically generate corresponding Yara rules, helping security researchers and reverse engineers quickly identify and detect malware.



  1. Install YaraForge using pip:
pip install yaraforge
  1. Copy the yaraforge.py file from the yaraforge/plugin folder to the plugins directory of IDA Pro.
  2. Launch IDA Pro, and the YaraForge plugin will be loaded automatically.


  1. Open the target binary file in IDA Pro.
  2. Run CAPA analysis to ensure that the analysis results are generated.
  3. Use the Ctrl+Y shortcut or choose "Edit" -> "Plugins" -> "YaraForge" from the menu bar in IDA Pro to launch the plugin.
  4. The plugin will automatically extract information from the CAPA analysis results and generate corresponding Yara rules.
  5. The generated Yara rules and related information are saved by default in the %APPDATA%\Hex-Rays\IDA Pro\plugins\yaraforge\ folder.
  6. If you need to export the analysis results to the desktop, you can select the "Dump Caches on desktop" option in the plugin interface.



Special Thanks

We sincerely express our gratitude to DuckLL, who has devoted considerable attention and patience to mentoring us. His substantial contributions and innovative ideas have significantly shaped the trajectory of this project.

Version Requirements



The development of the YaraForge plugin has received help and inspiration from many open-source projects and communities. We would like to express our gratitude to:

Contact Us

If you encounter any issues while using the YaraForge plugin or have any suggestions and feedback, please feel free to contact us through the following channels:

Thank you for your support and attention! We hope that YaraForge can become a powerful assistant for your binary analysis and Yara rule generation.