

Integrate Unreal Engine with OpenAI Gym for Reinforcement Learning based on UnrealCV


This project integrates Unreal Engine with OpenAI Gym for visual reinforcement learning based on UnrealCV. In this project, you can run your RL algorithms in various realistic UE4 environments easily without any knowledge of Unreal Engine and UnrealCV. The framework of this project is shown as below:


The tutorial will show you how to get started with installing environment, running an agent in an environment, adding a new environment and training a reinforcement learning agent for visual navigation.

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search1 search2

Snapshots of RL based visual navigation for object searching and obstacle avoidance.


Install Environment


We recommend you to use anaconda to install and manage your python environment. Considering performance, we use nvidia-docker to run the unreal environment. For the reason that nvidia-docker supports Linux and Nvidia GPUonly , you will have to install and run our openai-gym environment in Linux system with Nvidida GPU. CV2 is used for images processing, like extracting object mask and bounding box.Matplotlib is used for visualization.


As the unreal environment with UnrealCV runs inside Docker containers, you are supposed to install docker first. If you use Linux, you can run scripts as below:

curl -sSL http://acs-public-mirror.oss-cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/docker-engine/internet | sh -

Once docker is installed successfully, you are able to run docker ps and get something like this:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES

To speed up the frame rate of the environment, you need install nvidia-docker to utilize NVIDIA GPU in docker.

wget -P /tmp https://github.com/NVIDIA/nvidia-docker/releases/download/v1.0.1/nvidia-docker_1.0.1-1_amd64.deb
sudo dpkg -i /tmp/nvidia-docker*.deb && rm /tmp/nvidia-docker*.deb

Test nvidia-docker

nvidia-docker run --rm nvidia/cuda nvidia-smi

You should be able to get the same result as you run nvidia-smi in your host.


It is easy to install gym-unrealcv, just run

git clone https://github.com/zfw1226/gym-unrealcv.git
cd gym-unrealcv
pip install -e . 

While installing gym-unrealcv, dependencies including OpenAI Gym, docker-py, cv2 and matplotlib are installed.

Prepare Unreal Environment

You need prepare an unreal environment to run the demo as below. You can do it by running the script RealisiticRendering.sh

sh RealisiticRendering.sh


Run a random agent in an unreal environment

Once gym-unrealcv is installed successfully, you can test it by running:

cd example/random
python random_agent.py

It will take a few minutes for the image to pull the first time. After that, if all goes well,a simple predefined gym environment Unrealcv-Simple-v0 wiil be launched.And then you will see that an agent is moving around the realistic room randomly in first-person view.

Add a new unreal environment

More details about adding new unreal environment for your Rl tasks is here.

Training a reinforcement learning agent

Besides, we provide an example to train an agent for visual navigation by searching for specific object and avoiding obstacle simultaneously in Unrealcv-Search-v0 environement using Deep Q-Learning.


To run this example, some additional dependencies should be installed for deep reinforcement learning.

To install Keras(v1.2), you should run

pip install keras==1.2

Please see this instruction to switch backend between Theano and Tensorflow

If you use the Theano backend, please see this instruction to config gpu.

If you use Tensorflowbackend, please set DEVICE_TF in constants.py to config gpu

Training an agent

You can start the training process with default parameters by running the following script:

cd example/dqn
python run.py

The default target objects of Unrealcv-Search-v0 are two potted plant in this room. While the env reset, the agent restart from one of start positions in the list self.origin with a random yaw angle.

You can change some parameteters in constants.py if you set SHOW is True, You will see a window like this to monitor the agent while training:

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if you set Map is True, you will see a window showing the trajectory of the agent like this:

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You can change the architecture of DQN in dqn.py


You can display a graph showing the history episode rewards by running the following script:

cd example/utility
python reward.py 
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You can display a graph showing the trajectory by running the following script:

cd example/utility
python trajectory.py
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