

Hugo Hero Theme

Hero is a multi-page business theme with fullscreen hero images and fullwidth sections.

Live Demo | Zerostatic Themes

Hugo Hero Theme screenshot


Content Types

Content Management








1. Install Hugo

To use this theme you will first need to have Hugo installed. Please follow the official installation guide

⚠️ Note: Check your Hugo version - Hugo Extended is required!

This theme uses Hugo Pipes to compile SCSS and minify assets which means if you not using the Hugo extended version this theme will not work. To check your version of Hugo, run hugo version. Make sure you see /extended after the version number, for example Hugo Static Site Generator v0.82.0/extended darwin/amd64 BuildDate: unknown You do not need to use version v0.82.0 specifically, it just needs to have the /extended part.

2. Create a new Hugo site

This will create a fresh Hugo site in the folder mynewsite.

hugo new site mynewsite

3. Install the theme

Download or git clone this theme into the sites themes folder mynewsite/themes. You should end up with the following folder structure mynewsite/themes/hugo-hero-theme

cd mynewsite
git clone https://github.com/zerostaticthemes/hugo-hero-theme.git themes/hugo-hero-theme

4. Copy the example content

Copy the entire contents of the mynewsite/themes/hugo-hero-theme/exampleSite/ folder to root folder of your Hugo site, ie mynewsite/. To copy the files using terminal, make sure you are still in the projects root, ie the mynewsite folder.

cp -a themes/hugo-hero-theme/exampleSite/. .

65. Run Hugo

After installing the theme for the first time, generate the Hugo site.

You run this command from the root folder of your Hugo site ie mynewsite/


For local development run Hugo's built-in local server.

hugo server

Now enter localhost:1313 in the address bar of your browser.



Deploy to Netlify

This theme includes a netlify.toml which is configured to deploy to Netlify from the exampleSite folder. If you have installed this theme into a new Hugo site and the exampleSite folder was copied or removed, you should delete the netlify.toml file.

Configuring Theme

Homepage meta tags

Often a homepage requires special meta tags such as a meta description or og meta data for twitter, facebook etc. You can configure these values in the config.toml

# config.toml

    meta_description = "a description of your website."
    meta_og_title = "My Theme"
    meta_og_type = "website"
    meta_og_url = "https://www.mywebsite.com"
    meta_og_image = "https://www.mywebsite.com/images/tn.png"
    meta_og_description = "a description of your website."
    meta_twitter_card = "summary"
    meta_twitter_site = "@mytwitterhandle"
    meta_twitter_creator = "@mytwitterhandle"

Set meta tags on a per layout basis

You can set meta tags on a per template basis using a block. For example, you might want to write a custom meta description for the /services page. You can insert any valid HTML meta data inside the {{ define "meta_tags }} block at the top of a template.

// layouts/services/list.html

{{ define "meta_tags" }}
    <meta name="description" content="We offer a variety of services in the finance industry" />
{{ end }}

{{ define main }}

Google Analytics

Add your google analytics ID to the config.toml

# config.toml


You can edit and add main menu links in the config.toml under [[menu.main]]



More Hugo Themes by Zerostatic

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