

Zepgram Rest


Zepgram Rest is a technical module designed to streamline the development of REST API integrations in Magento 2 projects. Utilizing the Guzzle HTTP client for dependency injection, this module offers a robust set of features aimed at reducing boilerplate code, improving performance, and enhancing debugging capabilities. By centralizing REST API interactions and leveraging Magento's built-in systems, Zepgram Rest simplifies the implementation process for developers.


Zepgram Rest provides several key features to aid Magento developers in creating and managing RESTful services:


composer require zepgram/module-rest
bin/magento module:enable Zepgram_Rest
bin/magento setup:upgrade

Guideline with ApiPool

  1. Create a RequestAdapter class for your service extending abstract class Zepgram\Rest\Model\RequestAdapter, this class represent your service contract adapter:
    • public const SERVICE_ENDPOINT: define the service endpoint
    • dispatch(DataObject $rawData): initialize data that you will adapt to request the web service
    • getBody(): implement body request
    • getHeaders(): implement headers
    • getUri(): implement uri endpoint (used to handle dynamic values)
    • getCacheKey(): implement cache key for your specific request (you must define a unique key)
  2. Create a system.xml, and a config.xml with a dedicated configName:
    • section: rest_api
    • group_id: $configName
    • fields:
      • base_uri
      • timeout
      • is_debug
      • cache_ttl
  3. Declare your service in di.xml by implementing Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiProvider as VirtualClass, you can configure it by following the ApiProviderConfig
  4. Declare your RequestAdapter and ApiProvider in Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiPoolInterface:
    • Add a new item in apiProviders[]:
      • The key is your custom RequestAdapter full namespace
      • The value is your ApiProvider as a VirtualClass
  5. Inject ApiPoolInterface in the class that will consume your API and use $this->apiPool->execute(RequestAdapter::class, $rawData) where:
    • RequestAdapter::class represents the request adapter declared in apiProviders[]
    • $rawData is an array of dynamic data that will be dispatch in dispatch() method

Basic guideline implementation

Instead of declaring your class in Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiPoolInterface you can also directly inject your ApiProvider in a dedicated class:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
    <!-- rest api -->
    <virtualType name="CustomApiProvider" type="Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiProvider">
            <argument name="requestAdapter" xsi:type="object">Zepgram\Sales\Rest\FoxtrotOrderRequestAdapter</argument>
            <argument name="configName" xsi:type="string">foxtrot</argument>
    <type name="My\Custom\Model\ConsumerExample">
            <argument name="apiProvider" xsi:type="object">CustomApiProvider</argument>


namespace My\Custom\Model\Api;

use Zepgram\Rest\Exception\InternalException;
use Zepgram\Rest\Exception\ExternalException;
use Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiPoolInterface;
use Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiProviderInterface;
use Zepgram\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface;

class ConsumerExample
    public function __construct(
        private OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository,
        private ApiProviderInterface $apiProvider
    ) {}

     * @param int $orderId
     * @return array 
    public function execute(int $orderId): array
        // get raw data
        $order = $this->orderRepository->get($orderId);
        // send request
        $result = $this->apiProvider->execute(['order' => $order]);
        return $result;


Store config

562 If you do not declare specific configuration, the request will fall back on default configuration. To override the default config, you must follow this system config pattern: rest_api/%configName%/base_uri

XML config

You can configure your service with Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiProvider by creating a VirtualClass and customize its injections for your needs by following the below configuration:

Variable nameTypeDefault valueIs OptionalDescription
configNamestringdefaultnoValue to retrieve group id from system config
requestAdapterobjectRequestAdapternoAdapter class to build and customize the request
validatorobjectnullyesValidate the service contract
methodstringGETyesRequest method
isJsonRequestbooleantrueyesParse request array to json
isJsonResponsebooleantrueyesParse response string to array
isVerifybooleantrueyesEnable SSL certificate verification


Here is a simple implementation example with a service called Foxtrot using the order object as rawData:




namespace Zepgram\Sales\Rest;

use Magento\Framework\DataObject;
use Magento\Sales\Api\Data\OrderInterface;
use Zepgram\Rest\Model\RequestAdapter;

class FoxtrotOrderRequestAdapter extends RequestAdapter
    /** @var string */
    public const SERVICE_ENDPOINT = 'v1/order/';
    /** @var OrderInterface */
    private $order;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function dispatch(DataObject $rawData): void
        $this->order = $rawData->getOrder();

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getBody(): array
        return [
            'orderId' => $this->order->getEntityId(),
            'customer' => $this->order->getCustomerEmail(),
            'orderTotal' => $this->order->getGrandTotal(),
            'version' => '1.0',

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function getCacheKey(): ?string
        return $this->order->getEntityId();


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
        <section id="rest_api">
            <group id="foxtrot" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0"
                <field id="base_uri" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0"
                       showInStore="0" canRestore="1">
                    <label>Base URI</label>
                <field id="timeout" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="1" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0"
                       showInStore="0" canRestore="1">
                <field id="cache_ttl" translate="label" type="text" sortOrder="5" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0"
                       showInStore="0" canRestore="1">
                    <label>Cache TTL</label>
                <field id="is_debug" translate="label" type="select" sortOrder="10" showInDefault="1" showInWebsite="0"
                       showInStore="0" canRestore="1">
                    <label>Enable Debug</label>


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_Store:etc/config.xsd">


<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
   <!-- rest api -->
   <virtualType name="FoxtrotOrderApiProvider" type="Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiProvider">
         <argument name="requestAdapter" xsi:type="object">Zepgram\Sales\Rest\FoxtrotOrderRequestAdapter</argument>
         <argument name="configName" xsi:type="string">foxtrot</argument>
   <type name="Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiPoolInterface">
         <argument name="apiProviders" xsi:type="array">
            <item name="Zepgram\Sales\Rest\FoxtrotOrderRequestAdapter" xsi:type="object">FoxtrotOrderApiProvider</item>




namespace Zepgram\Sales\Model;

use Zepgram\Rest\Exception\InternalException;
use Zepgram\Rest\Exception\ExternalException;
use Zepgram\Rest\Service\ApiPoolInterface;
use Zepgram\Sales\Api\OrderRepositoryInterface;
use Zepgram\Sales\Rest\FoxtrotOrderRequestAdapter;

class OrderDataExample
    public function __construct(
        private OrderRepositoryInterface $orderRepository,
        private ApiPoolInterface $apiPool
    ) {}

     * @param int $orderId
     * @throws MyAweSomeTechnicalException
     * @throws MyAwesomeBusinessException
    public function execute(int $orderId): void
        try {
            // get raw data
            $order = $this->orderRepository->get($orderId);
            // send request
            $result = $this->apiPool->execute(FoxtrotOrderRequestAdapter::class, ['order' => $order]);
            // handle result
        } catch (InternalException $e) {
            $context['context_error'] = 'Magento request is wrong, foxtrot order service could not handle it'
            // service rejected request for business reason: do something (log, throw, errorMessage..)
            throw MyAwesomeBusinessException(__('Bad request error'), $e);
        } catch (ExternalException $e) {
             $context['context_error'] = 'We could not reach foxtrot order service'
             // service is unavailable due to technical reason: do something (log, throw, errorMessage..)
             $this->logger->error($e, $context);
             throw MyAwesomeTechnicalException(__('Foxtrot server error'), $e);

Log & Sensitive Data

This module includes a built-in Monolog Processor: SensitiveDataProcessor.php Depending on your MAGE_MODE environment variable, data will be automatically obfuscated if log key contains those keys:

This class can be customized with di.xml by:

Issues & Improvements

If you encountered an issue during installation or with usage, please report it on this github repository.<br> If you have good ideas to improve this module, feel free to contribute.