

Zepgram JsonSchema

A Magento implementation for validating JSON Structures against a given Schema with support for Schemas of Draft-3 or Draft-4.<br> Based on https://github.com/justinrainbow/json-schema json schema.<br> For more information about json schema: http://json-schema.org/


composer require zepgram/module-json-schema
bin/magento module:enable Zepgram_JsonSchema
bin/magento setup:upgrade


  1. Add the formatted json-schema in your module, where webservice will be implemented under /etc/schema directory.
  2. Create a Virtual Class of type Zepgram\JsonSchema\Model\Validator and adapt fileName and moduleName parameters.



<virtualType name="HelloWorldValidator" type="Zepgram\JsonSchema\Model\Validator">
        <argument name="fileName" xsi:type="string">schema/hello-world-service.json</argument>
        <argument name="moduleName" xsi:type="string">Zepgram_HelloWorld</argument>


        "description":"Hello Id"
              "description":"contact age",
                  "description":"contact firstname"
                  "description":"contact lastname"

Open API V3

If your architecture is using open API-V3 to describe web service usage you can convert it to json schema.

  1. Install the node utility: https://github.com/mikunn/openapi2schema
  2. Convert the open api yaml file into JSON:<br> openapi2schema -i my-custom-service.yaml | python -m json.tool | jq '."%end_point%".post.body' > my-custom-service.json<br> where %endpoint% must be replaced by your api endpoint described in yaml file (e.g.: /v1/customEndPoint)


If you encountered an issue during installation or with usage, please report it on this github repository.