

halo2 utils

some basic utils to slightly improve dx with vanila pse/halo2.

estimate k

let circuit = FactorisationCircuit {
    a: Fr::from(2),
    b: Fr::from(3),
    _marker: std::marker::PhantomData,


print assignments

let circuit = FactorisationCircuit {
    a: Fr::from(2),
    b: Fr::from(3),
    _marker: std::marker::PhantomData,

halo2_utils::assignments::print_all(4, &circuit);
cargo run --example print_assignment

│ unnamed advice │ advice colm  │ my selector │ unnamed instance │
│ Unassigned     │ 2            │ 1           │ 6                │
│ Unassigned     │ 3            │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ 6            │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Unassigned     │ Unassigned   │ 0           │ 0                │
│ Poisoned(10)   │ Poisoned(10) │ 0           │ 0                │

print info

let circuit = FactorisationCircuit::<Fr>::default();
halo2_utils::info::print(4, &circuit);
cargo run --example print_info

advice columns: 2
fixed columns: 1
instance columns: 1
selectors columns: 1
gates: 1
lookups: 0

compare halo2 circuits

Compare all the columns and rows in a huge plonkish table and see what is not matching. This can be helpful to debug in very specific cases where you have two similar circuits and want to make sure second circuit performs assignments exactly as the first circuit.

let circuit1 = ...;
let circuit2 = ...;

halo2_utils::compare::compare_all(&super_circuit, &my_circuit, Some(k));

infer instance

Sometimes we are facing this error Equality constraint not satisfied by cell (Column('Instance', 0 . This error is due to incorrect instances passed in the MockProver which do not satisfy the copy constraints.

Hence this util infers the values of the instances from the private witnesses using copy constraints and gives you a Vec<Vec<F>> that you can pass and make MockProver happy temporarily. Note this is only for debugging purposes.

 let circuit = FactorisationCircuit {
    a: Fr::from(2),
    b: Fr::from(3),
    _marker: std::marker::PhantomData,
halo2_utils::infer_instance(&circuit, None)
// [
//     [
//         0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000006,
//     ],
// ]

generate layout diagrams

abstracts some dependencies and auto estimates value of k.

use halo2_utils::LayoutPrinter;

fn main() {
    let circuit = MyCircuit::<Fr>::default();

example layout

real prover

abstracts r/w kzg params from local files, generating instances, value of k.

use halo2_utils::RealProver;

fn main() {
    // implements halo2_proofs::plonk::Circuit and halo2_utils::CircuitExt
    let circuit = FactorizationCircuit {
        a: Fr::from(3),
        b: Fr::from(7),
        _marker: PhantomData,

    // generate proofs
    let mut prover = RealProver::from(circuit);
    let (proof, public_inputs) = prover.run(/* write_to_file: */ true).unwrap();

    // verify proofs
    let verifier = prover.verifier();
    let success = verifier.run(proof, public_inputs);

    // yul verifier
    let code = verifier.generate_yul(/* write_to_file: */ true).unwrap();