


Copyright on 3/29/2024 by Justin Grimes, www.github.com/zelon88. ScanCore is a portable, single thread, self-updating, cross platform, command line virus scanner written in PHP that detects infections based on data match, MD5 hash, SHA1 hash, or SHA256 hash.

Features include:

This scanner can detect files based on the following criteria:

  1. MD5 Hash
  2. SHA1 Hash
  3. SHA256 Hash
  4. Raw Data Match


This project is protected by the GNU GPLv3 Open-Source license.


This application requires Windows or Linux with PHP 8.0 (or later).


Quick Start Example:

 C:\Path-To-PHP-Binary.exe C:\Path-To-ScanCore.php C:\Path-To-Scan\ -m [integer] -c [integer] -v -d
 C:\PHP\PHP.exe C:\scanCore\scanCore.php C:\Windows\Temp -memorylimit 4000000000 -chunksize 1000000000 -verbose -debug
 C:\PHP\PHP.exe C:\scanCore\scanCore.php C:\Windows\Temp -m 4000000000 -c 1000000000 -v -d
 C:\PHP\PHP.exe C:\scanCore\scanCore.php C:\Windows\Temp -nr -m 1000000000 -c 200000000 -v -d 

Start by opening a command-prompt.

  1. Type the absolute path to a portable PHP 8.0+ binary, or use the php command if it's in your PATH.
  2. Now type the absolute path to the ScanCore PHP file as the only argument for the PHP binary.
  3. Everything after the path to ScanCore will be passed to ScanCore as an argument.
  4. The first Argument must be a valid absolute path to the file or folder being scanned.
  5. Optional arguments can be specified after the scan path. Separate them with spaces.

Reqiured Arguments Include:

 File or folder to scan:                 /path/to/scan

Optional Arguments Include:

 Show version information:               -version

 Show help information:                  -help
 Force recursion:                        -recursion

 Force no recursion:                     -norecursion

 Specify memory limit (in bytes):        -memorylimit ####
                                         -m ####

 Specify chunk size (in bytes);          -chunksize ####
                                         -c ####

 Enable "debug" mode (more logging):     -debug

 Enable "verbose" mode (more console):   -verbose

 Force a specific report file:           -reportfile /path/to/file
                                         -rf path/to/file
 Force a specific configuration file:    -configfile /path/to/file
                                         -cf path/to/file
 Force a specific definitions file:      -defsfile /path/to/file
                                         -df path/to/file

 Force maximum log size (in bytes):      -maxlogsize ###
                                         -ml ###

 Perform definition update:              -updatedefinitions
 Perform application update:             -updateapplication



Currently virus definitions are maintained at The ScanCore_Definitions Github Repository. Definition updates can be performed using command line switches. The repository of definitions is organized into different categories. Each portable scanner can subscribe or unsubscruibe to specific definition categories, allowing administrators to build custom definitions tailored to specific servers, roles, or applications.

This scanner was designed for high performance single threaded use. It can be used with the Windows or Linux command-line, or with custom applications such as thread handlers which create & destroy multiple script instances at different targets simultaniously. The whole idea of a fast single-threaded scanner is that you can run several dozen (or hundred) scans at the same time on multiple small targets rather than running one large scan.

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