


Minimalistic alternative to the plugin mason-null-ls with support for none-ls external sources.

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Table of contents




How to install

  event = "BufEnter",
  dependencies = { "williamboman/mason.nvim", "nvimtools/none-ls.nvim" },
  opts = {},

How to use none-ls external sources

What are they?

The none-ls project stop supporting builtin sources when they have not been maintained for a while. Knowing that: External sources are packages you can install to use sources not oficially supported by none-ls.

How to install them

  event = "BufEnter",
  dependencies = {
    "zeioth/none-ls-external-sources.nvim" -- To install a external sources library.
  opts = {
    external_sources = {
      -- To specify where to find a external source.

It's important to be aware a source is just a way to tell none-ls how to use a mason package. You HAVE to install the mason package to use it.

Available options

external_sources{}If a mason package is not directly supported through a none-ls builtin source, you can specify a external source, so none-ls-autoload.nvim know how to load/unload it automatically when needed.
methods{ diagnostics = true, formatting = true, code_actions = true, completion = true, hover = true }The type of sources we should load. This is handy in case you want to disable a certain kind of client. Or in case you want to manage a certain functionality using a different plugin.

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