

Loading Placeholder

Choreography and free of side effects.


See the demo

How to use it


  1. Download LoadingPlaceholder.coffee to your project's /modules directory
  2. Add Placeholder = require 'LoadingPlaceholder' to the top of your code


Apply to any layer you want to show a placeholder.

Placeholder = require 'LoadingPlaceholder'


You can set the placeholder to the parent layer and specify the depth property to replace just the children layers. For example:

CardHeader = new Layer
  name: "Card Header"

avatar = new Layer
  name: "Avatar"
  parent: CardHeader

name = new Layer
  name: "Name"
  parent: CardHeader

    depth: 1

In that example the Layers avatar and name recive a placeholder.

Load the content

To show the content and trigger the entrance animation use the method loaded():

# You can trigger the animation to a particular layer

# Or to all descendants layers that have a placeholder

Another method is the shortcut loadedall(). It will search for all placeholder layers in current stage

Placeholder = require 'LoadingPlaceholder'

Overwrite default elements

If you want overwrite the deafult Placeholder Element or the Default Animation you can use this methods:

Placeholder = require 'LoadingPlaceholder'

# Just for the specific layer
    customElement: [function]
    customAnimation: [function]

# Apply global to all the placeholders
Placeholder.defaultElement = [function]
Placeholder.defaultAnimation = [function]

Overwrite using this follow functions:

# Element
customPlaceholder = (layer) ->
  newPlaceholder = new Layer
    width: layer.width # var layer is the reference to your content layer
    height: layer.height

  return newPlaceholder

# Animation
custonAnimation = (layer, placeholder, delay) ->
  # Rewrite the states:
  # layer.states.placeholderIn
  # layer.states.placeholderOut
  # placeholder.states.placeholderOut