


A modernized Angular 4+ query builder based on jQuery QueryBuilder. Support for heavy customization with Angular components and provides a flexible way to handle custom data types.

Getting Started


npm install angular2-query-builder


Play with the Demo here.

Editable Demo


Documentation link


Basic Usage

import { QueryBuilderModule } from "angular2-query-builder";
import { AppComponent } from "./app.component"

@NgModule(imports: [
  IonicModule.forRoot(AppComponent) // (Optional) for IonicFramework 2+
export class AppModule { }
<query-builder [(ngModel)]='query' [config]='config'></query-builder>
import { QueryBuilderConfig } from 'angular2-query-builder';

export class AppComponent {
  query = {
    condition: 'and',
    rules: [
      {field: 'age', operator: '<=', value: 'Bob'},
      {field: 'gender', operator: '>=', value: 'm'}
  config: QueryBuilderConfig = {
    fields: {
      age: {name: 'Age', type: 'number'},
      gender: {
        name: 'Gender',
        type: 'category',
        options: [
          {name: 'Male', value: 'm'},
          {name: 'Female', value: 'f'}

Custom Input Components

<query-builder [(ngModel)]='query' [config]='config'>
  <ng-container *queryInput="let rule; type: 'date'">
    <custom-datepicker [(ngModel)]="rule.value"></custom-datepicker>
query = {
  condition: 'and',
  rules: [
    {field: 'birthday', operator: '=', value: new Date()}

config: QueryBuilderConfig = {
  fields: {
    birthday: {name: 'Birthday', type: 'date', operators: ['=', '<=', '>']
      defaultValue: (() => return new Date())

Custom Styling (with Bootstrap 4)

Bootstrap demo.

<query-builder [(ngModel)]='query' [config]='config' [classNames]='classNames'></query-builder>
classNames: QueryBuilderClassNames = {
  removeIcon: 'fa fa-minus',
  addIcon: 'fa fa-plus',
  arrowIcon: 'fa fa-chevron-right px-2',
  button: 'btn',
  buttonGroup: 'btn-group',
  rightAlign: 'order-12 ml-auto',
  switchRow: 'd-flex px-2',
  switchGroup: 'd-flex align-items-center',
  switchRadio: 'custom-control-input',
  switchLabel: 'custom-control-label',
  switchControl: 'custom-control custom-radio custom-control-inline',
  row: 'row p-2 m-1',
  rule: 'border',
  ruleSet: 'border',
  invalidRuleSet: 'alert alert-danger',
  emptyWarning: 'text-danger mx-auto',
  operatorControl: 'form-control',
  operatorControlSize: 'col-auto pr-0',
  fieldControl: 'form-control',
  fieldControlSize: 'col-auto pr-0',
  entityControl: 'form-control',
  entityControlSize: 'col-auto pr-0',
  inputControl: 'form-control',
  inputControlSize: 'col-auto'

Customizing with Angular Material

Example of how you can completely customize the query component with another library like Angular Material. For the full example, please look at the source code provided in the demo.


<query-builder [(ngModel)]='query' [config]='config'>
  <ng-container *queryButtonGroup="let ruleset; let addRule=addRule; let addRuleSet=addRuleSet; let removeRuleSet=removeRuleSet">
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="addRule()">+ Rule</button>
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="addRuleSet()">+ Ruleset</button>
    <button type="button" mat-button (click)="removeRuleSet()">- Ruleset</button>
  <ng-container *queryRemoveButton="let rule; let removeRule=removeRule">
    <button type="button" mat-icon-button color="accent" (click)="removeRule(rule)">
  <ng-container *querySwitchGroup="let ruleset">
    <mat-radio-group *ngIf="ruleset" [(ngModel)]="ruleset.condition">
      <mat-radio-button value="and">And</mat-radio-button>
      <mat-radio-button value="or">Or</mat-radio-button>
  <ng-container *queryField="let rule; let fields=fields; let onChange=onChange">
      <mat-select [(ngModel)]="rule.field" (ngModelChange)="onChange($event, rule)">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let field of fields" [value]="field.value">{{field.name}}</mat-option>
  <ng-container *queryOperator="let rule; let operators=operators">
      <mat-select [(ngModel)]="rule.operator">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let value of operators" [value]="value">{{value}}</mat-option>
  <!-- Override input component for 'boolean' type -->
  <ng-container *queryInput="let rule; type: 'boolean'">
    <mat-checkbox [(ngModel)]="rule.value"></mat-checkbox>
  <!-- Override input component for 'category' type -->
  <ng-container *queryInput="let rule; let field=field; let options=options; type: 'category'">
      <mat-select [(ngModel)]="rule.value" [placeholder]="field.name">
        <mat-option *ngFor="let opt of options" [value]="opt.value">
          {{ opt.name }}

Property Bindings Quick Reference

See documentation for more details on interfaces and properties.


allowRulesetbooleanOptionaltrueDisplays the + Ruleset button if true.
allowCollapsebooleanOptionalfalseEnables collapsible rule sets if true. (See Demo)
classNamesobjectOptionalCSS class names for different child elements in query-builder component.
configQueryBuilderConfigRequiredConfiguration object for the main component.
dataRulesetOptional(Use ngModel or value instead.)
emptyMessagestringOptionalMessage to display for an empty Ruleset if empty rulesets are not allowed.
ngModelRulesetOptionalObject that stores the state of the component. Supports 2-way binding.
operatorMap{ [key: string]: string[] }OptionalUsed to map field types to list of operators.
persistValueOnFieldChangebooleanOptionalfalseIf true, when a field changes to another of the same type, and the type is one of: string, number, time, date, or boolean, persist the previous value. This option is ignored if config.calculateFieldChangeValue is provided.
config.calculateFieldChangeValue(currentField: Field, nextField: Field, currentValue: any) => anyOptionalUsed to calculate the new value when a rule's field changes.
valueRulesetOptionalObject that stores the state of the component.

Structural Directives

Use these directives to replace different parts of query builder with custom components. See example, or demo to see how it's done.


Used to replace the input component. Specify the type/queryInputType to match specific field types to input template.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleCurrent rule object which contains the field, value, and operator
fieldFieldCurrent field object which contains the field's value and name
optionsOption[]List of options for the field, returned by getOptions
onChange() => voidCallback to handle changes to the input component


Used to replace the query operator selection component.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleCurrent rule object which contains the field, value, and operator
operatorsstring[]List of operators for the field, returned by getOperators
onChange() => voidCallback to handle changes to the operator component
typestringInput binding specifying the field type mapped to this input template, specified using syntax in above example


Used this directive to replace the query field selection component.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleCurrent rule object which contains the field, value, and operator
getFields(entityName: string) => voidGet the list of fields corresponding to an entity
fieldsField[]List of fields for the component, specified by config
onChange(fieldValue: string, rule: Rule) => voidCallback to handle changes to the field component


Used to replace entity selection component.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleCurrent rule object which contains the field, value, and operator
entitiesEntity[]List of entities for the component, specified by config
onChange(entityValue: string, rule: Rule) => voidCallback to handle changes to the entity component


Useful for replacing the switch controls, for example the AND/OR conditions. More custom conditions can be specified by using this directive to override the default component.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleSetCurrent rule set object which contain a list of child rules
onChange() => voidCallback to handle changes to the switch group component


Directive to replace the expand arrow used in collapse/accordion mode of the query builder.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleSetCurrent rule set object which contain a list of child rules


Can be used to customize the default empty warning message, alternatively can specify the emptyMessage property binding.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleSetCurrent rule set object which contain a list of child rules
messagestringValue passed to emptyMessage


For replacing the default button group for Add, Add Ruleset, Remove Ruleset buttons.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleSetCurrent rule set object which contain a list of child rules
addRule() => voidFunction to handle adding a new rule
addRuleSet() => voidFunction to handle adding a new rule set
removeRuleSet() => voidFunction to handle removing the current rule set


Directive to replace the default remove single rule button component.

Context NameTypeDescription
$implicitRuleCurrent rule object which contains the field, value, and operator
removeRule(rule: Rule) => voidFunction to handle removing a rule


That's it.


See the angular-library-seed project for details on how to build and run tests.