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News aggregator app

This is a Ruby-on-Rails app for running (German) news aggregator websites. Today, it powers:


I want to follow news of those two areas but struggle with RSS, as it is too much for me too process - I want to see the most "relevant" sources at once, without investing too much time. Other sources, like Twitter + Reddit I found too noisy to follow.

This is why I created that app

News fetching + scoring algorithm

The admin of the apps curates a list of trusted sources. Those will regularly checked for new content. Following news sources are supported:

In similar fashion, the app checks popularity of the news in social network, that means:

The admin of the sites can give a Source individual:

Altogether, the score is calculated regularly for fresh links. For Display on the homepage, the freshness is also important - the older the link, the more the score is reduced.


The topic matching is very simple - just simple keyword lists. That means, the categorization is far far from perfect or even good. It might be an area of further development :)


It is possible to subscribe via E-Mail. Then, once per week on sunday, you will receive a Mail with from the selected topics.


As it is a Rails app, you can try to run it yourself. First make sure to have installed:

git clone https://github.com/zealot128/filter-app.git
cd filter-app

To run the app + background worker + webpack run:

foreman start

If anything fails, then you might need to adjust the config/database.yml to configure the correct database or run the individual commands

Otherwise: you can check out the running app on localhost:5000