


Let's create a universal app for OpenStreetMap ecosystem. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps, including clickable POIs and editing capabilites. Built with React, Next.js and Maplibre GL. See also SotM 2021 talk.

project OpenClimbing.org (beta)

Open climbing maps and topos. Photos are uploaded to Wikimedia Commons and route data stored in OpenStreetMap (spec).

How to contribute 🐱‍💻

You may add issues here on GitHub, or try to update the code in three simple steps:

  1. edit code online with pencil icon (this opens a pull-request) ✏️
  2. wait few minutes for a preview URL 💬
  3. iterate 🔁

If you are a JS dev, you may also git clone / yarn / yarn dev
Or open OsmAPP in gitpod or GitHub Codespaces – full dev environment in your browser.
If Vercel build fails, please run yarn build locally to debug it.
Architecture DOCS here.

Features 🗺 📱 🖥

Change log + Roadmap (coming soon)

OsmAPP is updated continuously with every commit. Versioning is used only for summarizing the changes once in a while.

You may discuss OsmAPP in Openstreetmap Discord, channel #software – tag @zbycz.

Special thanks to

We are standing on the shoulders of giants, OsmAPP would not be possible without: OpenStreetMap, MapLibre GL, Wikimedia projects, Photon search, Mapillary, Overpass, iD editor tagging schema, React, Next.js, Material-UI, and many, many others.

Also, big thanks for Free licenses from these awesome companies:



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