


Hex.pm Build Status

Jeaux is a light and easy schema validator.


Available in Hex, the package can be installed as:

  1. Add jeaux to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:
def deps do
  [{:jeaux, "~> 0.7.0"}]


# web/controllers/my_controller.ex
@params_schema %{
  lat!: :float,
  lon!: :float,
  radius: [type: :integer, default: 100, min: 1, max: 100],
  is_point: :boolean,
  properties: %{
    name: :string

def index(conn, params) do
    case Jeaux.validate(params, @params_schema) do
      {:ok, valid_params} -> do_your_thing(valid_params)
      {:error, message} -> Explode.bad_request(conn, message)

Using a ! in your key denotes it is required.

Currently, the following keys are valid:

For :list types, if passed an array from a query string (a la foo=1,2,3), it will parse into a list (['1', '2', '3']). I am still working on finding a way to coerce these into the types they should be.

Params must be a map but the keys can be strings or atoms and in camelCase or snake_case. The keys of the object to be validated will be converted to snake_case prior to validation. Therefore the validation should use snake_case atoms. Additionally, the result will always be returned as snake_case atom keys as well.

If you want to contribute, feel free to fork and open a pr.

Checkout Explode for an easy utility for responding with standard HTTP/JSON error payloads in Plug- and Phoenix-based applications.