

Django Drip

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Drip campaigns are pre-written sets of emails sent to customers or prospects over time. Django Drips lets you use the admin to manage drip campaign emails using querysets on Django's User model.

We wrote this specifically to scratch an itch at our startup Zapier. It currently runs all of our drip campaigns.

Read the docs or check out a demo.


We highly recommend using pip to install django-drip, the packages are regularly updated with stable releases:

pip install django-drip

Next, you'll want to add drip to your INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py.


    # Your favorite apps


Don't forget to add DRIP_FROM_EMAIL to settings.py, or else we will fall back to EMAIL_HOST_USER.

Finally, be sure to run python manage.py syncdb or python manage.py migrate drip to set up the necessary database tables.

python manage.py syncdb
# or...
python manage.py migrate drip

what the admin looks like what the admin looks like for the timeline