

Mentioned in Awesome Mobx

Remote debugging for MobX with Redux DevTools extension (and remotedev coming soon)



1. Get the extension

1.1 For Chrome
1.2 For Firefox
1.3 For Electron
1.4 For other browsers, for React Native, hybrid, desktop and server side apps

2. Install the library

npm install --save mobx-remotedev


import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev';
// or import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev/lib/dev'
// in case you want to use it in production or don't have process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'

const appStore = observable({
  // ...

// Or
class appStore {
  // ...

export default remotedev(appStore);

Or as ES decorator:

import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev';

@remotedev(/*{ config }*/)
export default class appStore {
  // ...

See counter, simple-todo and todomvc examples.


remotedev(store, [config])

Also see the extension API and my presentation at React Europe.

Exclude / include DevTools in production builds

By default use

import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev';

It will work only when process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development', otherwise the code will be stripped.

In case you want to use it in production or cannot set process.env.NODE_ENV, use

import remotedev from 'mobx-remotedev/lib/dev';

So, the code will not be stripped from production bundle and you can use the extension even in production. It wouldn't affect the performance for end-users who don't have the extension installed.


How to monitor (show changes) for inner items

Use remotedev function for them as well. Example

How to set data correctly when time traveling

By default it will try to set the properties of the class or observable object, but, if you have an importState method, it will be used. Example

How to disable computations when time traveling

Check __isRemotedevAction of your class or observable object, which will be set to true when it's a monitor action. Example

How to handle async actions

Use runInAction and don't forget about the second / third parameter which will be this if you're using arrow functions. If you don't want to specify it, set the global parameter to true. Example

How to show actions for nested classes / observables

Just set the global parameter to true like remotedev(store, { global: true }). If you want more details about the nested tree, see #5.



Created By

If you like this, follow @mdiordiev on twitter.