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GraphQL-JS is a very well written runtime implementation of the latest GraphQL spec. However, by compiling to JS, V8 is able to create optimized code which yields much better performance. graphql-jit leverages this behaviour of V8 optimization by compiling the queries into functions to significantly improve performance (See benchmarks below)


GraphQL-JS 16 on Node 16.13.0

$ yarn benchmark skip-json
Starting introspection
graphql-js x 1,941 ops/sec ±2.50% (225 runs sampled)
graphql-jit x 6,158 ops/sec ±2.38% (222 runs sampled)
Starting fewResolvers
graphql-js x 26,620 ops/sec ±2.41% (225 runs sampled)
graphql-jit x 339,223 ops/sec ±2.94% (215 runs sampled)
Starting manyResolvers
graphql-js x 16,415 ops/sec ±2.36% (220 runs sampled)
graphql-jit x 178,331 ops/sec ±2.73% (221 runs sampled)
Starting nestedArrays
graphql-js x 127 ops/sec ±1.43% (220 runs sampled)
graphql-jit x 1,316 ops/sec ±2.58% (219 runs sampled)
Done in 141.25s.

Support for GraphQL spec

The goal is to support the June 2018 version of the GraphQL spec.

Differences to graphql-js

In order to achieve better performance, the graphql-jit compiler introduces some limitations. The primary limitation is that all computed properties must have a resolver and only these can return a Promise.

More details here - GraphQL-JS.md


yarn add graphql-jit


For complete working examples, check the examples/ directory

Create a schema

const typeDefs = `
type Query {
  hello: String
const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello() {
      return new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(() => resolve("World!"), 200));

const { makeExecutableSchema } = require("@graphql-tools/schema");
const schema = makeExecutableSchema({ typeDefs, resolvers });

Compile a Query

const query = `
const { parse } = require("graphql");
const document = parse(query);

const { compileQuery, isCompiledQuery } = require("graphql-jit");
const compiledQuery = compileQuery(schema, document);
// check if the compilation is successful

if (!isCompiledQuery(compiledQuery)) {
  throw new Error("Error compiling query");

Execute the Query

const executionResult = await compiledQuery.query(root, context, variables);

Subscribe to the Query

const result = await compiledQuery.subscribe(root, context, variables);
for await (const value of result) {


compiledQuery = compileQuery(schema, document, operationName, compilerOptions)

Compiles the document AST, using an optional operationName and compiler options.

compiledQuery.query(root: any, context: any, variables: Maybe<{ [key: string]: any }>)

the compiled function that can be called with a root value, a context and the required variables.

compiledQuery.subscribe(root: any, context: any, variables: Maybe<{ [key: string]: any }>)

(available for GraphQL Subscription only) the compiled function that can be called with a root value, a context and the required variables to produce either an AsyncIterator (if successful) or an ExecutionResult (error).

compiledQuery.stringify(value: any)

the compiled function for producing a JSON string. It will be JSON.stringify unless compilerOptions.customJSONSerializer is true. The value argument should be the return of the compiled GraphQL function.