

ricem Build Status

A lightweight, automatic dotfile manager.

Here it is in action: video link

What it does

It manages your dotfiles, wherever they are.

It comes with a bunch of pre-made templates for every distro, so you don't need to specify the path to a config file manually. (But you can do that if you have a file that isn't in a template).


This is pre-release software that was tested only by me. It may wipe your whole system or literally kill your cat.

Look over the source code if you're unsure, and be careful.


Creating and uploading a new theme:

ricem new my-theme

Specify some files to track:

ricem track i3 .Xresources emacs ~/Pictures/wp.png

In this case, the i3 template will track the template group i3 which contains i3wm -(file config in ~/.i3/config) and i3status (file .i3status.conf in ~/), the emacs template will track init.el in ~/.emacs.d/, and so on.

To copy the tracked files from their locations in the system into your ricem theme folder:

ricem sync

All done!

Upload your newly made theme to a Github repository:

ricem upload git@github.com:username/repo

Please note that the Github url <b>needs</b> to be in SSH form (like above), and you <b>need</b> to have a SSH key registered to your PC active on your Github account.

Downloading a Github repository created by ricem (like above):

ricem download https://github.com/username/ricem_repo

This merges whatever themes are in that repo with your own, but it doesn't overwrite your themes in case they have the same name.

Downloading a Github repository <b>NOT</b> created by ricem (ANY random repo with dotfiles in it)

ricem import https://github.com/username/random_dotfiles_repo

For close enough file matches, this will give you a peek of the file and prompt you with a y/n as to which template you think the file belongs to, and add them to the currently selected theme. You can them apply them directly with ricem apply.

On Arch Linux only (for now): Installing dependencies specified by the files tracked by the currently selected theme:

ricem installdeps

For example, if the currently selected theme contains the template i3, then this command will install "i3" and "i3status" using pacman, if needed.

Applying the theme to the system

ricem apply my-theme


ricem apply, to apply the currently selected theme.

Other commands:

ricem list to list all your themes

ricem select <theme name> to select a theme

ricem edit <template name> to open a file in your editor (specified by $VISUAL). Example: ricem edit rc.xml will open ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml

ricem update will download the latest version of .conf that contains the latest templates directly from this github repo.




Or compile it yourself:

Planned features