


Use Laravel Artisan command syntax in any Symfony Console command.

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Install into any new or existing project that uses Symfony Console via composer:

composer require zachleigh/artisanize

Then, in your command files, rather than extend Symfony's base command (Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command), extend the Artisanize Command class (Artisanize\Command). Define signature and description properties and a handle method on the class.

use Artisanize\Command;

class MyCommand extends Command
     * The command signature.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'signature';

     * The command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Description.';

     * Handle the command.
    protected function handle()
        // Handle your command

Writing Commands

A command class has three components: a signature, a description, and a handle method.

use Artisanize\Command;

class ExampleCommand extends Command
     * The command signature.
     * @var string
    protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--o|option=default}';

     * The command description.
     * @var string
    protected $description = 'Command decription.';

     * Handle the command.
    protected function handle()
        // handle the command

signature is where you define your command's name, arguments, and options. This is discussed in detail below. description is where you can set a description message for your command to be displayed when using the console. The handle method will be called when the command is fired and is where you should write the logic for your command.

Command Signature

The command signature is written in the same way that the command will be used in the console and consists of three parts: the command name, arguments, and options. The command name must come first in the signature and can be namespaced by prefixing the command name with a namespace followed by a colon (':'):

protected $signature = 'namespace:name';

Arguments and options are enclosed in curly braces and follow the command name. Options are prefixed by two dashes ('--').

Defining Command Arguments

A standard argument consists of the argument name wrapped in curly braces:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {arg} {--option}'

The argument name, arg in the example above, is used to access the argument value via the argument method.

To make an argument optional, append a question mark ('?') to the argument name:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {arg?} {--option}'

To give the argument a default value, separate the argument name and the default value with an equals sign ('='):

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {arg=default} {--option}'

If no value is provided for the argument, the default value will be used.

If the argument is in array form, append an asterisk ('*') to the argument name:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {arg*} {--option}'

Arguments can then be passed to the command by space separating them:

php app.php namespace:name one two three

This will set the value of arg to ['one', 'two', 'three'].

Argument arrays can also be set as optional:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {arg?*} {--option}'

When accessing optional argument arrays, arguments that have not been passed equal an empty array.

It is often helpful to provide a description with an argument. To do this, add a colon (':') after the argument definition and append the description:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {arg=default : Argument description} {--option}'

Defining Command Options

A standard option consists of the option, prefixed by two dashes ('--'), wrapped in curly braces:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--opt}'

The option name, opt, is used to access the argument value via the option method. Standard options do not take values and act as true/false flags: the presence of the option when the command is called sets its value to true and if it is not present, the value is false.

To define an option with a required value, append an equals sign ('=') to the option name:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--opt=}'

To set a default value, place it after the equals sign:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--opt=default}'

Options may also have shortcuts to make them easier to remember and use. To set a shortcut, prepend it to the command name and separate the two with a pipe ('|'):

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--o|opt}'

Now, the option may be called in the standard way:

php app.php namespace:name argument --opt

Or by using the shortcut:

php app.php namespace:name argument -o

Options may also be passed as arrays:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--opt=*}'

When passing options arrays, each value must be prefixed by the option name:

php app.php namespace:name argument --opt=one --opt=two --opt=three

The value of opt will be set to ['one', 'two', 'three'].

Just like with arguments, the option description can best by appending a colon (':') and the description to the option name definiton:

protected $signature = 'namespace:name {argument} {--o|opt : option description.}'

Accessing Command Arguments And Options

To access arguments in the handle method, use the command class argument method. If an argument name is given, it will return the value of the argument and if nothing is passed, it will return an array of all arguments:

protected function handle()
    $arg = $this->argument('arg'); // passed value of arg

    $allArguments = $this->argument(); // array of all arguments

The option method works in the exact same way:

protected function handle()
    $opt = $this->option('opt'); // passed value of opt

    $allOptions = $this->option(); // array of all options

There are also hasArgument and hasOption methods on the command object:

protected function handle()
    $argExists = $this->hasArgument('exists');  // true

    $optExists = $this->hasOption('doesntExist');  // false

Asking for Confirmation

The confirm method can be used to ask the user for simple confirmation:

if ($this->confirm('Do you wish to continue? ')) {
    // user answered true

Asking a Question

The ask method can be used to ask a user a question. Pass a default value as the second argument:

$name = $this->ask('What is your name?', 'Nobody');

Asking for a Password

The user answer can be hidden by using the askPassword method:

$password = $this->askPassword('Please type your password');

Choosing From a List

The choose method only allows an answer from a predefined list of choices. The default value can be passed as the third argument:

$car = $this->choose('What is your favourite car?', ['Ferrari', 'Lamborghini', 'Maserati'], 1);


The anticipate method can provide the user with some auto-completion help when starting to write. The user can still provide any answer, regardless of the auto-completion hints:

$food = $this->anticipate('What is your favourite food?', ['Pizza', 'Pasta', 'Lasagna'], 'Mozzarella');

Multiple Choice

When the user should be allowed to choose more than a single answer, the choice method allows them to select multiple items from a list. The third argument contains a string of comma-separated defaults:

$colors = $this->choice('What are your favourite colors (defaults to blue and red)?', ['Blue', 'Red', 'Green'], '0,1');

Command Output

Every command has an output variable stored on the object that has several methods to help write output to the console.

The write method outputs plain unformatted text, writeInfo outputs green text, writeError outputs red text, and writeComment outputs yellow text:

protected function handle()
    $this->output->write('Message'); // plain text

    $this->output->writeInfo('Message');  // green text

    $this->output->writeError('Message');  // red text

    $this->output->writeComment('Message');  // yellow text

The output variable is a simple wrapper around Symfony's output class. To access this class, use the getOutputInterface method:

protected function handle()
    $output = $this->getOutputInterface(); // $output is instance of Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface

Keep in mind that since the Artisanize Command class simply wraps up the Symfony console component, all Symfony command features are still available on your command objects. For more information on Symfony Commands, see the Symfony console component documentation.

Credits and Contributing

This project was extracted out of the Yarak project. Many thanks to @micheleangioni for his contributions to that codebase, many of which have made their way here.

Contributions are more than welcome. Fork, improve and make a pull request. For bugs, ideas for improvement or other, please create an issue.