

Documentation of the on-chain DRM system using Zama's fhEVM, by El-Hacen Diallo & Matthieu Rambaud

Link to the Application

This document gives an overview of the process of creation and management of NFTs doing access control to secret contents. The management of the NFTs is done by the unique contract and the interfaces (Mint and Gallery) enable to interact with this contract and with the storage place of the encrypted secret contents. The storage location is IPFS (InterPlanetary File System), which ensures robust and decentralized storage solutions. Each NFT (token) controls access to specific secret content. Its owner has the authority to grant or revoke access to this content for multiple users, which we call the Shared-with of the token.

I. Creation of an NFT

Summarizing, the graphical interface Mint.tsx allows a user to upload a file (image, video, document, etc.) to be saved as secret content over which only they have control. To achieve this, the following processes are automatically performed after the file has been uploaded:

In detail: the Creator uploads a secret content (file) in the graphical interface. This upload calls EncryptThenMint in Mint.tsx, which automatically performs all the following operations at once:

  1. Encryption of the Secret Content:

    • A symmetric 256-bit encryption key (fileKey) is generated

      const fileKey = await generateKey();
    • The secret content file is symmetrically encrypted to produce the ciphertext:

      const ciphFile = await encryptFile(file, fileKey);
      const encryptedFileKey = await fileKeyEncryption(fileKey);

      The fileKey was decomposed into an array of four 64-bit entries to be passed to instance.encrypt64. As output, the encryptedFileKey will contain 4 Uint8Array objects, each resulting from calling instance.encrypt64.

      <!-- > For more details on how `CiphFile` and are generated see [utils.ts](/src/components/Utils/utils.ts). --> <!-- `EncryptedFile` -->
    <!-- - Then, the `encryptedFileKey` is added to the `ciphFile: CiphFile` to create the `ciphFile: EncryptedFile` ``` ciphFile <-- (ciphFile|encryptedFileKey). ``` --> <!-- > Inclusion of encryptedFileKey is not currently used, but enables a potential optimization saving 1000x blockchain storage space. -->
  2. Storage on IPFS :

    • ciphFile is uploaded on IPFS , and the cidHash (unique IPFS identifier of ciphFile) is retrieved.

      const cidHash = await uploadFileToIPFS(ciphFile);

      Pinata (https://www.pinata.cloud/) is a cloud-based service that simplifies uploading and managing files on IPFS. It is used to upload files to IPFS through an API key.

  3. Minting of the NFT : An NFT (token) is created (or "minted") through the contract, with an IPFS reference to the ciphFile, and with the encryptedFileKey added as metadata

    const token = await mintToken(cidHash, encryptedFileKey);

    Storing encryptedFileKey onchain is perfectly fine, thanks to Zama fhvem unique features.

    For more details refer to the function mintToken in contract.sol.

II. Management of the NFT

III. Acces to the secret content by a Shared-with

The function displayGallery (in Gallery.tsx) is executed by a user, it returns and displays all the secret contents of the tokens of which it is a shared-with. The function performs automatically all the following steps.

Summarizing, for each secret content (token) for which the user is shared-with, it queries the re-encryption of the fileKey under a public encryption key publicKey which the user owns. Then, it decrypts this re-encryption to obtain fileKey, downloads the public ciphertext (ciphFile) from IPFS and finally decrypts it into file using the fileKey.

In more detail, the function displayGallery automatically performs the following steps for each token in the ownerTokens[user] to display the NFTs owned by the user, and in sharedTokens[user] for the NFTs with which the user is shared-with. For a better user interface, two separate components are created in the gallery. One, managed by displayMyNFTs, displays only the owned NFTs; the other, displaySharedWithMeNFTs, displays the shared NFTs. These two components can be refreshed separately. The main difference between owned NFTs and shared NFTs is that the latter can only be downloaded; other functionalities are not possible.

  1. Generation of the target public Key for Reencryption :
    • The user shared-with of a token needs to receive the fileKey encrypted under an encryption key publicKey which it owns. It thus generates an encryption key pair (unless it has already one associated to the contract) using the function getSignature(contractAddress, account).

      This function is borrowed from fhevmjs.ts.

       const reencryption = await getSignature(contract.contractAddress, account);

      The output of getSignature is called reencryption : it is the tuple of the publicKey concatenated with a signature (signature) issued by the shared-with on the publicKey.

  2. Reencryption then Decryption of the fileKey :
    • Reencryption of the encryptedFileKey of the token under the encryption key publicKey, to obtain reEncryptedFileKey.

      The reencryption query to the fhEVM is done by the function :

      function reencrypt(
        uint256 tokenId,
        bytes32 publicKey,
        bytes memory signature)  public view
        onlySignedPublicKey(publicKey, signature)
        returns (bytes[] memory)

      reencrypt is defined in contract.sol and controls the access: it checks that the signer (signer) of the public key (publicKey) is member of the list (sharedAccess[tokenId]) of the shared-with of the token or the owner .

            ownerOf(tokenId) == msg.sender || sharedAccess[tokenId][msg.sender],
            "Caller is neither owner nor authorized."
      <!-- > Technically, this check is done by the modifier `onlyAuthorizedSigner`. Its implementation is inspired from the official modifier [onlySignedPublicKey](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/d7783378e1e035cd02b4c913d8537e68205ff215/abstracts/Reencrypt.sol#L11). The novelty is that `onlyAuthorizedSigner` allows the msg.sender not to be necessarily the `signer`. > To maintain security despite this relaxation, `onlyAuthorizedSigner` controls acces on the basis of the `signer` (of the `publicKey`), and not anymore based on the `msg.sender` (as in [balanceOf of the eERC720](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/main/examples/EncryptedERC20.sol)). These modifications enable a scalability gain, as explained below in IV. -->
    • Decryption of reEncryptedFileKey with the secret decryption key of the shared-with, to obtain the fileKey.

      This is done via the call to instance.decrypt.

      <!-- Note that the "instance" is not the fhEVM, we are not making a public decryption here. It is instead the local instance of the Shared-with, the one with which it generated its personal "publicKey".` -->
    • Using the fileKey to decrypt the ciphFile:

      const decryptedFile = await decryptFile(ciphFile, fileKey);

      (decryptedFile <-- AES-CTR.Decrypt("ciphFile","fileKey")) which is thus equal to the file initially uploaded by the Creator.

<!-- ## IV. Scalability, thanks to Delegation to an untrusted Acces Broker The _shared-with_ Alice(s) do not necessarily want to create Ethereum accounts, nor to send requests to a contract and spend gaz just to access secret contents. Our contract enables the use-case that _any_ Bob can call `reencrypt` with a `publicKey` for re-encryption which was generated and signed by Alice. Hence, Bob can play the role of an Untrusted Acces Broker on behalf of several shared-with Alices, thus improving scalability. In such a use-case, Bob is _untrusted_ because our function `reencrypt` enables him to obtain only `reEncryptedFileKey`'s encrypted with `publicKeys`'s _signed_ by shared-with Alices. This proves that these `publicKeys`'s were generated and kept secretly by the Alices, unless they were absent-minded. As a result, only the shared-with Alices can decrypt the `reEncryptedFileKey`'s obtained by Bob. To achieve this desirable behavior of our function `reencrypt`, we had to remove the official modifier [onlySignedPublicKey](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/d7783378e1e035cd02b4c913d8537e68205ff215/abstracts/Reencrypt.sol#L11). Indeed it imposed that the `publicKey` for reencryption be signed by the msg.sender, whereas, in our use-case, the `msg.sender` is instead Bob. Our second modification was to control acces, in `reencrypt`, directly based on the `signer` of the `publicKey` (Alice), and not based on the `msg.sender` Bob (as in [`balanceOf` of the eERC720](https://github.com/zama-ai/fhevm/blob/main/examples/EncryptedERC20.sol) ). Note that our graphical interface does not yet enable such a delegation, it deals only with calls to `reencrypt` made directly by _shared-with_ themselves. As explained in V. below, we are considering adding, as a bonus, the possibility to hide the identities the _shared-with_. Only the _shared-with_ effectively querying access to a plaintext content, would lose their anonymity. This will be implementable as soon as efficient functions for encrypted arrays will be available in the fhEVM. -->

V. Project of improvement: Anonymization of the Shared-with, as soon as encrypted arrays will be released

We are considering adding an optional fonctionality enabling the owner of a token to declare shared-with's under the form of a list (hiddenSharedWith) of their encrypted addresses (format eaddress). It is only when a shared-with requests access to a plaintext content file that its public request to reencrypt makes it lose its anonymity. We thus need to enrich reencrypt so that its tests membership of the public signer of the publicKey, in the encrypted list (hiddenSharedWith). If it belongs, it is thus that the signer was indeed a (previously hidden) shared-with. Thus, for the arguably majority of Shared-with Alices who do not need to obtain the secret content file, their anonymity is préserved. What blocks us from implementing this addition is that, according to the documentation , it is currently not advised to implement a membership test to a list of ciphertexts. The reason being that the currently available functions of the fhEVM would require to "loop over all the indexes and check equality homomorphically, however this pattern is very expensive in gas and should be avoided whenever possible." This documentation announces ("plans to make this kind of operation much more efficient in the future, by adding specialized operators for arrays"). As soon as such a membership operator will be shipped, we will be able to implement anonymization.

Overview of the Code Implementation

Running the Application

To run the application locally, follow these steps:

Environment Variables

Copy the example environment variable files and update them with your specific configurations.

cp .env.example .env
<!-- You can also add your [Pinata](https://www.pinata.cloud/) credentials to the .env file by replacing these variables with your credentials. If you want to use Pinata, otherwise the ```bash VITE_DEDICATED_IPFS_URL="DEDICATED_IPFS_URL OR GATEWAY" VITE_PINATA_JWT="YOUR_PINATA_JWT" ``` -->

Running a Local IPFS Node

  1. Prerequisites
  1. Initialize IPFS Repository

    First, initialize your IPFS repository. Open your terminal and run:

    ipfs init
  2. Start the IPFS Daemon

    To start your IPFS node, run the IPFS daemon:

    ipfs daemon

    This will start your IPFS node and make it available locally at http://localhost:5001.

  3. Adding CORS for Your Application URL

    To allow your application to interact with the local IPFS node, you need to configure CORS settings.

    Open a new terminal window and run the following commands to set the appropriate CORS headers. Replace http://your-application-url.com ("", "http://localhost:5173") with your actual application URL.

    ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Origin '["http://localhost:3000", "", "http://localhost:5173"]'
    ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Methods '["PUT", "POST", "GET"]'
    ipfs config --json API.HTTPHeaders.Access-Control-Allow-Headers '["Authorization"]'
  4. Restart the IPFS Daemon

    After setting the CORS headers, restart your IPFS daemon to apply the changes:

    ipfs shutdown
    ipfs daemon
  5. Check IPFS Node Status

    Visit http://localhost:5001/webui in your browser to ensure your IPFS node is running correctly.

  6. Additional Resources IPFS Documentation


For more details and alternative solutions, refer to: Vite Discussion #2785.
