

ReCU: Reviving the Dead Weights in Binary Neural Networks (Paper Link) .

Pytorch implementation of ReCU in ICCV 2021.


Any problem, please contact the first author (Email: ianhsu@stu.xmu.edu.cn).



If you find ReCU useful in your research, please consider citing:

  title={ReCU: Reviving the Dead Weights in Binary Neural Networks},
  author={Xu, Zihan and Lin, Mingbao and Liu, Jianzhuang and Chen, Jie and Shao, Ling and Gao, Yue and Tian, Yonghong and Ji, Rongrong},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)},

Training on CIFAR-10

python -u main.py \
--gpus 0 \
--model resnet18_1w1a (or resnet20_1w1a or vgg_small_1w1a) \
--results_dir ./result \
--data_path [DATA_PATH] \
--dataset cifar10 \
--epochs 600 \
--lr 0.1 \
-b 256 \
-bt 128 \
--lr_type cos \
--warm_up \
--weight_decay 5e-4 \
--tau_min 0.85 \
--tau_max 0.99 \

Optional arguments

optinal arguments:
    --gpus                    Specify gpus, e.g., 0, 1  
    --seed                    Fix random seeds (Code efficiency will be slightly affected)
                              set to 0 to disable
                              default: 0
    --model / -a              Choose model   
                              default: resnet18_1w1a   
                              options: resnet20_1w1a / vgg_small_1w1a       
    --results_dir             Path to save directory  
    --save                    Path to save folder    
    --data_path               Path to dataset    
    --evaluate / -e           Evaluate  
    --dataset                 Choose dataset
                              default: cifar10
                              options: cifar100 / tinyimagenet / imagenet  
    --epochs                  Number of training epochs
                              default: 600  
    --lr                      Initial learning rate
                              default: 0.1  
    --batch_size / -b         Batch size
                              default: 256   
    --batch_size_test / -bt   Evaluating batch size
                              default: 128  
    --momentum                Momentum
                              default: 0.9  
    --workers                 Data loading workers
                              default: 8  
    --print_freq              Print frequency 
                              default: 100  
    --time_estimate           Estimate finish time of the program
                              set to 0 to disable
                              default: 1     
    --lr_type                 Type of learning rate scheduler
                              default: cos (CosineAnnealingLR)
                              options: step (MultiStepLR)  
    --lr_decay_step           If choose MultiStepLR, set milestones.
                              e.g., 30 60 90      
    --warm_up                 Use warm up  
    --weight_decay            Weight decay
                              default: 5e-4  
    --tau_min                 Minimum of param τ in ReCU(x)
                              default: 0.85 
    --tau_max                 Maximum of param τ in ReCU(x)
                              default: 0.99  
    --resume                  Reload last checkpoint if the training is terminated by accident.

Results on CIFAR-10.

Quantized model Linkbatch_sizebatch_size_testepochstraining methodTop-1

To ensure the reproducibility, please refer to our training details provided in the links for our quantized models.

To verify the performance of our quantized models on CIFAR-10, please use the following command:

python -u main.py \
--gpus 0 \
-e [best_model_path] \
--model resnet18_1w1a (resnet20_1w1a or vgg_small_1w1a) \
--data_path [DATA_PATH] \
--dataset cifar10 \
-bt 128 \

Training on ImageNet

python -u main.py \
--gpus 0,1 \
--model resnet18_1w1a (or resnet34_1w1a) \
--results_dir ./result \
--data_path [DATA_PATH] \
--dataset imagenet \
--epochs 200 \
--lr 0.1 \
-b 512 \
-bt 256 \
--lr_type cos \
--warm_up \
--weight_decay 1e-4 \
--tau_min 0.85 \
--tau_max 0.99 \

Other arguments are the same as those on CIFAR-10.

Optional arguments

optinal arguments:
    --model / -a              Choose model   
                              default: resnet18_1w1a   
                              options: resnet34_1w1a  

We provide two types of dataloaders for ImageNet by nvidia-dali and Pytorch respectively. We empirically find that the dataloader by nvidia-dali can offer higher training efficiency than Pytorch (14min vs 28min on 2 Tesla V100 for one epoch when training ResNet-18), but the model accuracy would be affected. The reported experimental results are on the basis of Pytorch. If interested, you can try dataloader by nvidia-dali via adding the optional argument --use_dali to obtain a shorter training time.

Nvidia-dali package

# for CUDA 10
pip install --extra-index-url https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/redist nvidia-dali-cuda100
# for CUDA 11
pip install --extra-index-url https://developer.download.nvidia.com/compute/redist nvidia-dali-cuda110

Results on ImageNet

Quantized model Linkbatch_sizebatch_size_testepochsuse_dalitraining methodTop-1Top-5

To ensure the reproducibility, please refer to our training details provided in the links for our quantized models. \

To verify the performance of our quantized models on ImageNet, please use the following command:

python -u main.py \
--gpu 0 \
-e [best_model_path] \
--model resnet18_1w1a (or resnet34_1w1a)\
--dataset imagenet \
--data_path [DATA_PATH] \
-bt 256 \

Comparison with SOTAs

We test our ReCU using the same ResNet-18 structure and training setttings as ReActNet, and obtain higher top-1 accuracy.

MethodsTop-1 accQuantized model link
ReActNet65.9ReActNet (Bi-Real based)

To verify the performance of our quantized models with ReActNet-like structure on ImageNet, please use the following command:

cd imagenet_two-stage && python -u evaluate.py \
python -u main.py \
--gpus 0 \
-e [best_model_path] \
--model resnet18_1w1a \
--data_path [DATA_PATH] \
--dataset imagenet \
-bt 256 \