


License API Android Arsenal

RxMarkdown is an Android library that helps to display simple markdown text in android.widget.EditText or android.widget.TextView, at same time, it supports code high light .

It is backed by RxJava, implementing complicated APIs as handy reactive observables.


Demo apk : DOWNLOAD


Change Log : SEE



implementation 'com.yydcdut:markdown-processor:0.1.3'
implementation 'com.yydcdut:rxmarkdown-wrapper:0.1.3'

Or if you don't want to use RxJava, you can simply refer to markdown-processor :

implementation 'com.yydcdut:markdown-processor:0.1.3'

Support Syntax

RxMarkdown now provides 2 factories to parse markdown, TextFactory and EditFactory .

TextFactory : Supports most of the markdown syntax,but it will destroy the integrity of the content. So, it applies to render in TextView .

EditFactory : Supports some syntax,and it won't destroy the integrity of the content, the parsing speed is faster than TextFactory , So, it applies to real-time preview in EditText .


Other Syntax


Other Syntax



Quick Start


implementation 'com.yydcdut:markdown-processor:0.1.3'
implementation 'com.yydcdut:rxmarkdown-wrapper:0.1.3'

implementation 'io.reactivex:rxandroid:1.2.0'
implementation 'io.reactivex:rxjava:1.1.5'


All options in Configuration builder are optional. Use only those you really want to customize (RxMDConfiguration#Builder and MarkdownConfiguration#Builder are the same usage):

RxMDConfiguration rxMDConfiguration = new RxMDConfiguration.Builder(context)
        .setHeader1RelativeSize(1.6f)//default relative size of header1
        .setHeader2RelativeSize(1.5f)//default relative size of header2
        .setHeader3RelativeSize(1.4f)//default relative size of header3
        .setHeader4RelativeSize(1.3f)//default relative size of header4
        .setHeader5RelativeSize(1.2f)//default relative size of header5
        .setHeader6RelativeSize(1.1f)//default relative size of header6
        .setBlockQuotesLineColor(Color.LTGRAY)//default color of block quotes line
        .setBlockQuotesBgColor(Color.LTGRAY, Color.RED, Color.BLUE)//default color of block quotes background and nested background
        .setBlockQuotesRelativeSize(Color.LTGRAY, Color.RED, Color.BLUE)//default relative size of block quotes text size
        .setHorizontalRulesColor(Color.LTGRAY)//default color of horizontal rules's background
        .setHorizontalRulesHeight(Color.LTGRAY)//default height of horizontal rules
        .setCodeFontColor(Color.LTGRAY)//default color of inline code's font
        .setCodeBgColor(Color.LTGRAY)//default color of inline code's background
        .setTheme(new ThemeDefault())//default code block theme
        .setTodoColor(Color.DKGRAY)//default color of todo
        .setTodoDoneColor(Color.DKGRAY)//default color of done
        .setOnTodoClickCallback(new OnTodoClickCallback() {//todo or done click callback
        	public CharSequence onTodoClicked(View view, String line) {
                return textView.getText();
        .setUnOrderListColor(Color.BLACK)//default color of unorder list
        .setLinkFontColor(Color.RED)//default color of link text
        .showLinkUnderline(true)//default value of whether displays link underline
        .setOnLinkClickCallback(new OnLinkClickCallback() {//link click callback
        	public void onLinkClicked(View view, String link) {
        .setRxMDImageLoader(new DefaultLoader(context))//default image loader
        .setDefaultImageSize(100, 100)//default image width & height

Rx Usage

non-Rx Usage



Image Size

The image of 320 pixels width and 320 pixels height will display on the screen :


Code HighLight Theme

The lib supports some themes, ThemeDefault, ThemeDesert, ThemeSonsOfObsidian and ThemeSunburst.


You can implement the interface Theme to realize your own theme.

public class CodeHighLightTheme implements Theme {

    public int getBackgroundColor() {//background color
        return 0xffcccccc;

    public int getTypeColor() {//color for type
        return 0xff660066;

    public int getKeyWordColor() {//color for keyword
        return 0xff000088;

    public int getLiteralColor() {//color for literal
        return 0xff006666;

    public int getCommentColor() {//color for comment
        return 0xff880000;

    public int getStringColor() {//color for string
        return 0xff008800;

    public int getPunctuationColor() {//color for punctuation
        return 0xff666600;

    public int getTagColor() {//color for html/xml tag
        return 0xff000088;

    public int getPlainTextColor() {//color for a plain text
        return 0xff000000;

    public int getDecimalColor() {//color for a markup declaration such as a DOCTYPE
        return 0xff000000;

    public int getAttributeNameColor() {//color for html/xml attribute name
        return 0xff660066;

    public int getAttributeValueColor() {//color for html/xml attribute value
        return 0xff008800;

    public int getOpnColor() {//color for opn
        return 0xff666600;

    public int getCloColor() {//color for clo
        return 0xff666600;

    public int getVarColor() {//color for var
        return 0xff660066;

    public int getFunColor() {//color for fun
        return Color.RED;

    public int getNocodeColor() {color for nocode
        return 0xff000000;


Copyright 2016 yydcdut

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.