

Deep-TAMA 2021

The paper was accepted in Elsevier Information Sciences (IF 6.795)

<img src="/images/framework.png" height="300">


OS : Windows10 64bit (Verified to works fine on Ubuntu 18.04)
CPU : Intel i5-8500 3.00GHz
GPU : Geforce GTX Titan X (Works on GPU with smaller memory size >= 5GB)
RAM : 32 GB


python 3.6
tensorflow-gpu 2.1.0 (strict!)
numpy 1.17.3
opencv 3.4.2
matplotlib 3.1.1
scikit-learn 0.22.1

Sample tracking dataset structure

- Set the dataset folder as following structure
  ex) MOT
      |__ TUD-Stadtmitte
      |         |__ det
      |         |__ gt
      |         |__ img1
      |__ MOT16-02
      |__ Custom_Seuqnce
- We recommend to copy-and-paste all MOTChallenge sequences in MOT folder

Tracking settings

  1. Download the pre-trained models and locate in in model directory.

  2. Set the variable seq_path in config.py to your own dataset path.

    • Dataset should be 'MOT/{sequence_folder-1, ..., sequence_folder-N}'.
    • Each of sequence_folder should follow the MOTChallenge style (e.g., 'sequence_folder-1/{det, gt, img1}').
    • The simplest way is just copy and paste all MOTChallenge datasets (2DMOT2015, MOT16, MOT16, MOT20, etc) in MOT folder.
    • The compatible datasets are available on MOTChallenge.
  3. Set the variable seqlist_name in racking_demo.py to the proper name.

    • Exemplar sequence groups are provided.
    • Add your own tracking sequence group in sequence_groups.
  4. Perform tracking using tracking_demo.py.

    • Tracking thresholds can be controlled by modifying config.py.
    • List of significant commandline arguments in tracking_demo.py.
      • set_fps : manipulates an FPS and drop frames of videos
      • semi_on : improves a tracking performance using interpolation and restoration
      • init_mode : mht (faster, geometry-based), delayed (geometry + appearance)
      • gating_mode : iou (intersection-over-union), maha (pose + shape)
      • only_motion : Do not use appearance matching

Training settings

  1. Set the data as same as 'Tracking settings' above.

  2. Modify the sequence_groups/trainval_group.json to your own dataset

    • Training and validation dataset should have gt folder.
  3. Perform training using training_demo.py.

    • JI-Net training should be done first.
    • Using JI-Net model as a feature extractor, LSTM can be trained.


Baseline (no appearance feature)38.9%45.0%40138166128648
Baseline + semi-online40.8%47.4%76123145126421
Deep-TAMA + semi-online43.0%49.4%80114150122364

Pre-trained models

Qualitative results

<p float="left"> <img src="/images/PETS_results.gif" height="300"> <img src="/images/Stadtmitte_results.gif" height="300"> </p>


  title={Online Multi-Object Tracking with Historical Appearance Matching and Scene Adaptive Detection Filtering},
  author={Young-Chul Yoon and Abhijeet Boragule and Young-min Song and Kwangjin Yoon and Moongu Jeon},
  booktitle={IEEE AVSS}
  title={Online Multiple Pedestrians Tracking using Deep Temporal Appearance Matching Association},
  author={Young-Chul Yoon Du Yong Kim and Young-min Song and Kwangjin Yoon and Moongu Jeon},
  booktitle={Information Sciences}
<img src="/images/cvpr_award.jpg" height="400">