


Official Code of The Combinatorial Brain Surgeon: Pruning Weights That Cancel One Another in Neural Networks[ICML2022]

  1. Setup the enviroment:

    conda create -n cbs python=3.6.13
    conda activate cbs
    conda install pytorch==1.5.0 torchvision==0.6.0 cudatoolkit=10.2 -c pytorch
    sh setup.sh
  2. Prepare data

    mkdir prob_regressor_data
    mkdir prob_regressor_results
    mkdir checkpoints

    Please download checkpoints from here and put them in the "checkpoints" folder.

  3. Run CBS on MLPNet:

    3.1 Run on woodfisher firstly. This will sample data and dump their gradients and Hessien inverse matrix to './prob_regressor_data' for future usage.

        sh scripts/sweep_mnist_mlpnet_woodfisher.sh 0.95 1 0  
        # 0.95: target sparsity
        # 1: random seed for data sampling
        # 0: GPU ID

    We also provide the dumped gradients and Hessien inverse files at here. You may download them and skip this step.

    3.2 Run the proposed RMP + LS algorithm (CBS-S):

        sh scripts/mnist-mlpnet-backbone_layers-fullfisher_fisher-greedy_online_magperb_all_layers.sh 0.95 1e-4 10 20 0 0 test
        # 0.95: target sparsity
        # 1e-4: min impact variation for changing (\epsilon)
        # 10:   range of candidates for each weight swap(\rou)
        # 20:  τ - max failed weight swap attempts
        # 0: seed
        # 0: GPU
        # test: a flag to make the log of the experiment flush to stdin

    This experiment will dump the result at {greedy_result_path}, which will be required when running CBS-U. This path is printed out at the end of the experiemnt log.

    Please check the explaination of the above hyperparameters in Algorithm1 of the main paper.

    3.3 Run the combinatorial weight update (CBS-U):

        sh scripts/mnist-mlpnet-backbone_layers-fullfisher_fisher-greedy_magperb-update_rm_multiple.sh 0.8 1e-4 10 20  ${greedy_result_path} 0 0 test
        # 0.8: target sparsity
        # 1e-4: min impact variation for changing (\epsilon)
        # 10:   range of candidates for each weight swap(\rou)
        # 20:  τ - max failed weight swap attempts
        # 0: seed
        # 0: GPU
        # test: a flag to make the log of the experiment flush to stdin

    To run experiment in batch, please refer scripts/run_all_cifarnet.sh

  4. Run CBS on other network architectures:

    Similarly, we provides the scripts used in our paper for ResNet20, CIFARNet, MobileNet as below. In the paper, we report the average performance of 5 runs of each experiemnt with seeds from 0 to 4. You can change the seed parameter when running the following experiments. If you are interested in the ablation study experiments, you can also find their scripts in ./scripts folder.

    ## on ResNet20
    # Get the gradients and Hessian inverse matrix
    scripts/sweep_cifar10_resnet20_woodfisherblock.sh 0.5 0 0 test
    # CBS-S (RMP + LS): 
    sh scripts/cifar10-resnet20-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_magperb_all_layers.sh 0.5 1e-4 10 20 0 0 test 
    # Note, you can also try CBS-S using only LS. 
    sh scripts/cifar10-resnet20-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_mag_all_layers.sh  0.5 1e-4 10 20 0 0 test
    # CSB-U 
    sh scripts/cifar10-resnet20-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_mag_all_layers-upate_rm_multiple.sh 0.5 1e-4 10 20 ${greedy_result_path} 0 0 test
    ## on CIFARNET
    # Get the gradients and Hessian inverse matrix
    sh scripts/sweep_cifar10_cifarnet_woodfisherblock.sh 0.95 0 0 test
    # CBS-S (RMP + LS): 
    sh scripts/cifar10-cifarnet-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_magperb_all_layers.sh 0.95 1e-4 10 20 1 0 test
    # Note, you can also try CBS-S using only LS. 
    # sh scripts/cifar10-cifarnet-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_mag_all_layers.sh 0.95 1e-4 10 20 0 0 test
    # CSB-U    
    sh scripts/cifar10-cifarnet-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-mag-update_rm_multiple.sh 0.95 1e-4 10 20 ${greedy_result_path} 0 0 test 
    ## on MobleNet
    # Get the gradients and Hessian inverse matrix
    sh scripts/imagenet-mobilenet-backbone_layers-mag.sh 0.5 1 0
    # CBS-S (RMP + LS): 
    sh scripts/imagenet-mobilenet-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_magperb_all_layers.sh 0.5 1e-4 10 20 0 0 test
    # Note, you can also try CBS-S using only LS. 
    sh scripts/imagenet-mobilenet-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_online_mag_all_layers.sh 0.5 1e-4 10 20 0 0 test
    # CSB-U   
    sh scripts/imagenet-mobilenet-backbone_layers-blockwise_fisher-greedy_mag-update_rm_multiple.sh 0.5 1e-4 10 20 ${greedy_result_path} 0 0 test


We thanks Singh & Alistarh for sharing their code of WoodFisher. Our implementation is based on their code. If our CBS work is helpful to your research/project, please cite our work as below.

  title =    {The Combinatorial Brain Surgeon: Pruning Weights That Cancel One Another in Neural Networks},
  author =       {Yu, Xin and Serra, Thiago and Ramalingam, Srikumar and Zhe, Shandian},
  booktitle =    {Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Machine Learning},
  pages =    {25668--25683},
  year =     {2022}