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<h1 align="center">Logseq image auto resizer</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://github.com/yutaodou/logseq-image-auto-resizer"> <img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/yutaodou/logseq-image-auto-resizer/main/icon.png" alt="logo" width="128" height="128" /> </a> </p>

A plugin to automatically resize image to your preferred size


By default, resizer sets image default width & height to 800px. To change the default size, go to Settings -> Plugins -> Logseq image auto resizer.


  1. Fork the repo.

  2. Install dependencies and build the dev version:

    yarn install && yarn run dev
  3. Open Logseq and navigate to the plugins dashboard: t p.

  4. Click Load unpacked plugin button, then select the repo directory to load it.

After every change you make in the code:

  1. Rebuild the dev version:

    yarn run dev
  2. Open Logseq and navigate to the plugins dashboard: t p.

  3. Find the plugin and click on "Reload".

  4. Ignore the error messages about keyboard shortcut conflicts.