


A shared libraries injection tool and ELF hook engine of Android.

Please compile them with <code>android-ndk-r8e</code>, or you may need to rewrite <code>Android.mk</code>.

Has been tested on Android 2.2, 2.3 and 4.1, and root privilege is REQUIRED.

Special thanks to the author of <code>libinject</code> http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=141355


Enter each source directory and run <code>ndk-build</code> provided by <code>android-ndk-r8e</code>.

$ cd injector
$ $NDK/ndk-build
$ cd ../samples/test
$ $NDK/ndk-build

<code>$NDK</code> is the root directory of <code>android-ndk-r8e</code>.

Also, you can find pre-compiled binaries in <code>bin</code>.


We can use <code>injector</code> to inject a shared library into arbitrary processes. Let's take <code>libtest.so</code> as an example.

First, push both <code>injector</code> and <code>libtest.so</code> into a writeable location (e.g. <code>/data/local/</code>) of your device (or emulator).

$ adb push injector /data/local/
$ adb push libtest.so /data/local/

Then, set the permission of <code>injector</code> as executable.

$ adb shell chmod 755 /data/local/injector

Next, you can refer to <code>injector</code>'s usage information to inject <code>libtest.so</code> into target processes.

$ adb shell /data/local/injector -h
Usage: injector -p pid -l libpath
-h  --help      Display this usage information.
-p  --pid       PID of target process.
-l  --libpath   Absolute path of the shared library that will be injected.

What should be noticed is that injection may be failed if you specify a relative path after <code>-l</code> (or <code>--libpath</code>) option.

Hook engine

Please take a look at the sample project <code>samples/hook_ioctl</code>.


  1. http://bbs.pediy.com/showthread.php?t=141355
  2. http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/70302/Redirecting-functions-in-shared-ELF-libraries